grep-click: type button text to click grep-click: type button text to click

Version: 1.3.2
Last Update: 2017-03-27


grep-click: type button text to click is a Chrome extension developed by grep-click-studios. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of grep-click: type button text to click is 1.3.2, updated on 2017-03-27.
87 users have installed this extension. 4 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

More browse, less mouse. Navigate chrome by typing text of buttons on the page

Grep-click allows you to click buttons and links by inputting text; just type in the text of the thing you want to click. Inspired by Chrome’s native command-f functionality, which highlights results of a text search, grep-click implements this same pattern:

1. Type your search into the input field
2. Tab between results on the page, all of which will be clickable elements
3. Click on the desired element by pressing enter
4. Repeat!

Note that searching for the colon character only, “:”, will allow you to to find all input fields on the page.

With grep-click, you add speed and simplicity to your browsing behavior. Minimize the amount you need to reach for the mouse for a definite boost in productivity!

Grep click can be opened with the following keyboard shortcuts:

Mac & Windows: Alt+Shift+P
Linux: Ctrl+Shift+K


4 ratings

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avatar Auronus Ben

Hello Eric,

I really love your app. If you don't mind I was wondering if I could suggest you some improvement...

It could really be usefull if we can save the word we are looking for somewhere and just click on the app to run it and search for the word we have saved.

Is it possible?

avatar Oliver Steadman

A little counter-intuitive at first but, once learned, achieves exactly what I was looking for. Time saved!

avatar Mr. Schäeffer

Terrible for me at least i tried to search and click on inputs flow-btn/flow-btn from the text and nothing happenned only works on some links at google search unfortunately not on any text or element you should remove that from the description of the extension is misleading people.
And another problem is the extension input field doesn't accept paste on it only typing that's another issue because it saids is to improve productivity paste a text is a must.

avatar Mr. Schäeffer

Terrible for me at least i tried to search and click on inputs flow-btn/flow-btn from the text and nothing happenned only works on some links at google search unfortunately not on any text or element you should remove that from the description of the extension is misleading people.
And another problem is the extension input field doesn't accept paste on it only typing that's another issue because it saids is to improve productivity paste a text is a must.

avatar Auronus Ben

Hello Eric,

I really love your app. If you don't mind I was wondering if I could suggest you some improvement...

It could really be usefull if we can save the word we are looking for somewhere and just click on the app to run it and search for the word we have saved.

Is it possible?