Hawaiian Keyboard Hawaiian Keyboard

Social & Communication
Version: 1.0
Last Update: 2020-09-14


Hawaiian Keyboard is a Chrome extension developed by keoladonaghy. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of Hawaiian Keyboard is 1.0, updated on 2020-09-14.
0 users have installed this extension. 4 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

Hawaiian Keyboard - Papa Pihi Hawai'i

A Hawaiian Keyboard for Chrome OS. After installation and activation, simply hold down the Right Alt key, and while holding it type a lower-case vowel you wish the kahakō (macron) to appear over. To type upper-case vowel with the kahakō, press and hold both the Right Alt key and the Shift key, and type the vowel. For the ‘okina (glottal stop), press and hold the Right Alt key and type the apostrophe key. Characters cannot be typed in the username or password fields!


4 ratings

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Social & Communication

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avatar Sean Wilkins

Is it possible to change the input from the Google Admin Console?

Would like to be able to push this out to all student Chromebooks at once without having to manually change at each device. When I am in the Admin Console, I am able to add Olelo Hawaiian as a language after adding the extension, but when I search in inputs, Hawaiian still does not show up.

If not possible from admin console, no worries. Just though I would ask. Mahalo.

avatar Jeannette Soon-Ludes

It does take a little while to properly set up and the full instructions are located at https://www.hawaii.edu/news/2020/09/15/hawaiian-keyboard-for-chrome/

But, once it is set up the keyboard functions as it should.

avatar john reeves

It doesn't seem to work, and has virtually no instructions.

avatar Melissa Danielle

I want to like this extension more, but it freezes the keys. s y cn see, th vwels nd pncttn dnt lwys shw p when th Hawn kybrd s n s. wld lve t knw fx fr ths.