pg_docs_bot pg_docs_bot

Developer Tools
Version: 1.0.2
Last Update: 2022-08-22


pg_docs_bot is a Chrome extension developed by michristofides. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of pg_docs_bot is 1.0.2, updated on 2022-08-22.
42 users have installed this extension. 1 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

Redirects PostgreSQL docs links to the current version (except when coming from the docs, or to deprecated features).

When you search for Postgres related things, an old version of the documentation is often indexed. Similarly, some answers on sites like Stack Overflow link to old versions of the documentation.

pg_docs_bot helps you avoid the annoyance of having to click "Current" when you get there, the frustration of having read the whole page before realising it was an old version, or even not realising that it was an out of date version.

Naturally, this extension doesn't help solve the root cause(s) of this issue. There have been at least two good conversations on the PostgreSQL mailing lists about how to teach the search engines which version to link to. Please continue to encourage people to link to the "current" version around the web, which will also help.

* Redirects links to the "current" version
* After redirecting, displays a notice (including a link to the page you were redirected from)
* Avoids redirecting some deprecated features (to avoid 404s)
* Doesn't redirect when coming from another page in the docs, so you can still check old versions (the main problem with generic redirectors)

* Only supports redirecting to "current"
* Works for the English language docs
* Works for version 7.0 links upwards
* Chrome extension works on a limited list of search engines and stack exchange sites (to avoid needing <all_urls> permission)

Requests, issues, contributions:
There are some feature ideas listed on GitHub. Bug reports and contributions are welcome.


1 ratings

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avatar Eric Tenza

So tired of searching something in Google, and finding a bunch of links to... 9.3 documentation. It's a minor hassle to have to remember to opt-in to the current documentation, and this extension removes that effort entirely.

avatar Eric Tenza

So tired of searching something in Google, and finding a bunch of links to... 9.3 documentation. It's a minor hassle to have to remember to opt-in to the current documentation, and this extension removes that effort entirely.

avatar Eric Tenza

So tired of searching something in Google, and finding a bunch of links to... 9.3 documentation. It's a minor hassle to have to remember to opt-in to the current documentation, and this extension removes that effort entirely.

avatar Eric Tenza

So tired of searching something in Google, and finding a bunch of links to... 9.3 documentation. It's a minor hassle to have to remember to opt-in to the current documentation, and this extension removes that effort entirely.

avatar Eric Tenza

So tired of searching something in Google, and finding a bunch of links to... 9.3 documentation. It's a minor hassle to have to remember to opt-in to the current documentation, and this extension removes that effort entirely.