PresentBoard - New tab dashboard (Beta) PresentBoard - New tab dashboard (Beta)

Version: 0.8.4
Last Update: 2023-04-19


PresentBoard - New tab dashboard (Beta) is a Chrome extension developed by PresentBoard.App. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of PresentBoard - New tab dashboard (Beta) is 0.8.4, updated on 2023-04-19.
54 users have installed this extension. 2 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .
developer website:

Discover the ultimate productivity dashboard for your new tab. Customize dozens of free widgets and make it truly yours.

Say goodbye to boring and unproductive new tabs and say hello to a fully customizable and informative dashboard. With PresentBoard, you finally have the power to create a dashboard that's as unique and personalized as you are.

Choose & customize dozens of free Widgets:
✔ beautiful, calming & dynamic backgrounds,
✔ World clocks,
✔ Daily quote,
✔ TODO & Notes,
✔ agenda, monthly & weekly calendar,
✔ Bookmarks & shortcuts to your favorite websites,
✔ Countdowns,
✔ Weather updates,
✔ News headlines,
✔ Stock prices,
✔ and more - all in one place.

★ Search Google & ChatGPT side by side ★
The search widget in PresentBoard just got even better. Now you can search for information using Google and ChatGPT right from your dashboard. With this new feature, you can get the best of both worlds - the vast search capabilities of Google and the intelligent responses of ChatGPT.

★ Customization like no other ★
With PresentBoard, you have complete control over how your dashboard looks and functions. Whether you prefer a clean and simple layout or a feature-packed dashboard, you can easily customize your dashboard to meet your needs. Choose from almost 20 different widgets and place them anywhere on the dashboard in any size you want.

Present Board is currently in the Beta version and getting improved every week. Please leave us feedback in the support tab so we can improve it. Thank you for using Present Board.


2 ratings

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avatar Serge Balaga

I think more people should be using this. I am loving it so much. Keep up the good work.

avatar Ivka

I love my new tab design now! I can easily view my calendar, weather, news feed, time in different time zones and it all appears only by clicking on a new tab. Plus it has a nice background of my own choice :)

avatar Serge Balaga

I think more people should be using this. I am loving it so much. Keep up the good work.

avatar Ivka

I love my new tab design now! I can easily view my calendar, weather, news feed, time in different time zones and it all appears only by clicking on a new tab. Plus it has a nice background of my own choice :)

avatar Serge Balaga

I think more people should be using this. I am loving it so much. Keep up the good work.