Social Lead Connector Social Lead Connector

Social & Communication
Version: 4.4.410
Last Update: 2023-04-11


Social Lead Connector is a Chrome extension developed by According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of Social Lead Connector is 4.4.410, updated on 2023-04-11.
243 users have installed this extension. 2 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

Find and Connect with targeted Social media contacts.

Would you like to grow your friend list with your target audience and start conversation with them?

What if you could Automate that?

With Social Lead Connector you can add targeted Friends and start conversations just with a few clicks all on autopilot.

Best way to be in front of your target client and to monetise your audience. Social Lead connector helps you find targeted leads based on keywords and sends them friend request on your behalf and also sends them a first Direct Message and starts the conversion with your Lead.

You can fill your friend list everyday by running this tool and automate the process of connecting with your Clients.

Social Lead Connector also sends a message on your behalf when you get a friend request from someone, when you accept their friend request or when you decline a friend request.

Also, get in front of your competitors audience and ethically leverage their ads to get in front of them.

If you are serious about growing your friend list and connecting with your targeted leads whether its from a particular niche FB Group, Competitors Ads, Followers of any Influencer, or your suggested friends then let Social Lead Connector automate the whole process and bring your your perfect client and get you to have a conversation with them all on autopilot.


2 ratings

Total Installs



Last Update


Current Version








Social & Communication

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extension logo Friend Connector Pro Social & Communication (68) 4,000+
extension logo Post Profits Pro Social & Communication (18) 1,000+
extension logo Story Leads Social & Communication (1) 30
extension logo Genius Connector Productivity (12) 2,000+
extension logo Winner Winner Chicken Dinner Social & Communication (2) 522
extension logo Group Convert Ext Productivity (35) 4,000+
extension logo Engagement Monster Social & Communication (21) 1,000+
extension logo Birthday Connector Social & Communication (0) 193
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extension logo My simple scripts Social & Communication (4) 227
extension logo Birthday Wisher Social & Communication (38) 1,000+
extension logo ELMessenger Pro Productivity (40) 4,000+
extension logo Group Monkey Social & Communication (9) 651
extension logo Smart Messenger CRM Social & Communication (0) 257
extension logo Email Miner Social & Communication (7) 443
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Latest Reviews

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avatar Alphonso from Nexusspark

This extension is amazing. It saves so much of my time by helping me connect with exactly my target audience, while I sleep.
No more wasted time on social media doing unnecessary tasks.
This is so simple & it just works!

avatar Knowledge Seeker

This software is so awesome for adding free leads on autopilot!

avatar Alphonso from Nexusspark

This extension is amazing. It saves so much of my time by helping me connect with exactly my target audience, while I sleep.
No more wasted time on social media doing unnecessary tasks.
This is so simple & it just works!

avatar Knowledge Seeker

This software is so awesome for adding free leads on autopilot!

avatar Alphonso from Nexusspark

This extension is amazing. It saves so much of my time by helping me connect with exactly my target audience, while I sleep.
No more wasted time on social media doing unnecessary tasks.
This is so simple & it just works!