TimeYourWeb Time Tracker TimeYourWeb Time Tracker

Version: 1.0.21
Last Update: 2021-04-28


TimeYourWeb Time Tracker is a Chrome extension developed by gr190ry. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of TimeYourWeb Time Tracker is 1.0.21, updated on 2021-04-28.
10,000+ users have installed this extension. 110 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .
developer website: timeyourweb.com

The most detailed online time statistics. Know how much time you spend on any site on any day.

You need TimeYourWeb, if:

* You spend a considerable part of your life on the Internet and would like to know how this time is effective. Your lifetime is a too valuable resource to spend it uncontrollably.

* You want to use Internet resources more efficiently. The first step towards change is aware of the current situation. TimeYourWeb is an impartial judge, to track your online activity. You'll know how long you loaf in social networks or spend time educational portals.

* As a parent you care about which sites your child is. Note that TimeYourWeb - this is not a program for parental control. TimeYourWeb does not guarantee that the child does not go to the "bad" sites. TimeYourWeb can be temporarily disabled or he can user a browser without this extension. However, TimeYourWeb helps to know that the user really was on "good" sites and confirm his activity on them.

* You are an employer and want to make workers more conscious attitude to time they spend on the Internet. Installing TimeYourWeb increases their efficiency of web usage.

* You are a freelancer. So TimeYourWeb will help you draw up a detailed report on how you spent your working time online.

TimeYourWeb chrome extension will give you the most detailed time statistics
- see how much time you spend on each page of any domain and DOWNLOAD this information as CSV
- distinguish "active" and "total" time duration spent on any page
- see when you starts and how long you are watching any page. You can also DOWNLOAD this information as CSV
- see how your Internet activity changes during any month

TimeYourWeb extension is without any ads completely. With TimeYourWeb you can manage your time and enjoy your effective work.

Summary Chart

You can get a summary for sites you have visited per a day / a week / a month.
TimeYourWeb tracks time only when your browser has a focus.
The extension distinguishes "Total" and "Active" time tracking approaches. Time is tracked as "Active" if you press keys or move the mouse more often than 1 time in 30 seconds. If a user is inactive more than 30 seconds but the browser is in focus, TimeYourWeb counts only "Total" time. "Total" time shows you how long you were watching video on YouTube or other video-sharing sites or just kept your browser opened.

TimeYourWeb allows you to order summary data by "Total" or by "Active" time or site names.
Click by any page opens visited page in new chrome tab. Also you can download information from this tab as CSV.

Flow Chart

With Flow Chart - you can investigate your Internet activity stats like under the microscope. It shows your online
activity on timeline. You can switch between "Total" and "Active" time tracking approaches
(see Summary Chart about tracking approaches).
Here you can see when you visited a page and how long you were there.
Pages from the same domain have the same color.

Also you can download information from this tab as CSV.

Stacked Chart

Stacked Chart gives bird's-eye view to your Internet activity statistics. Here you can see how your habits change
during a month. You see the longest and the shortest day on the Internet during a month.


Allows you to:

1) stop/start time tracking
2) set the day of week start. It could be Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Monday is default.
3) define URLs that won't be tracked. TimeYourWeb checks each URL for correspondence to "Ignoring rules". If URL start and "Ignoring rule" are equal then URL will be ignored.

Ignoring Rules examples:
- "https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=wm#spam" - don't track time spent on spam checking in Gmail.
- "https://mail.google.com" - do not track any activity in Gmail
- "chrome://newtab" - don't track time spent on new Tab
- "file://" - don't track time spent on any local file


Question: Does it track the time when I watch a film online?
Answer: Yes, if browser is in focus. "Total" Time shows the period you was watching the film.

Question: Does TimeYourWeb have any access to viewed pages?
Answer: No, it doesn't. TimeYourWeb only tracks URLs visited by you, no more.

Question: Is TimeYourWeb free?
Answer: All current and most future features of TimeYourWeb are free and will be free forever.
However, we are going to add some useful features which need servers. Server time costs money.
So this features will be paid.

Future plans

We are going to expand TimeYourWeb with next capabilities:
- possibility for deleting day data
- user accounts with authentication
- synchronization between several computers


TimeYourWeb is the lowest permission required among another Chrome extension time trackers.
TimeYourWeb requires "Read you browsing history": to allow the extension to read current tab's domain, icon and title.

Email: timeyourweb[ at ]gmail.com


110 ratings

Total Installs



Last Update


Current Version










Latest Reviews

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avatar T.K Lyte

I can't believe this App doesn't have a Million+ users. It's fantastic. Not only does it keep track of the websites you visited, it also shows you what you searched for on any site, what pages you visited on that site...etc. It's much easier to access and more user friendly than browsing history or even Google activity log. I'm in love with this thing. Many thanks to the creators.

avatar Sanyam Sachdeva

It's perfect!

avatar Paweł Z.

Absolutely love it, couldn't find a better one. The flow chart could be more readable, ability to zoom in would be great.

avatar Sadman Saqib Sifat

It's perfect! Just need the synchronization across devices feature to complete it. 3

avatar Charles Herold

I've tried before to find something that would automatically track my work in google docs without success. So I was amazed to find this extension, which does *exactly* what I want. I don't have to remember to turn tracking for individual documents on and off, it pulls active time from all time on page, and it takes all the guesswork work out of invoicing and makes my life so much easier.

I would give it 5 stars with one tweak. Right now you can look at a day or week or month but you can't set a time period, like, say Nov. 2-17. If I could do that then it would be pretty close to perfect.

This is not to say I couldn't make other suggestions (I feel the csv download could probably be designed more usefully, and in an ideal world I would be able to mark the things I was tracking and having them added up for me) but really, if I could just set a date range this would be, for all practical purposes, a perfect extension.