Version: 0.2
Last Update: 2021-10-15

Overview is a Chrome extension developed by ignatif. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of is 0.2, updated on 2021-10-15.
137 users have installed this extension. 1 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

Summarize any text

This extension uses DistilBERT model trained on CNN news dataset to produce text summaries

1. Select text
2. Double hit "Enter"
3. Get text summary


1 ratings

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avatar Prathitha Citrus

This is a nice tool to get the summary of the selected text in a web page in chrome browser. The summary in a paragraph style; not in bulleted format.

In the summary text, after each sentence, there is an extra space before the period. For example, if we check the screenshot in the 'Overview' section of this extension, we can clearly understand it. The user needs to manually remove the extra space preceding each period before he use the text somewhere. Apart from this the tool looks nice.

avatar Prathitha Citrus

This is a nice tool to get the summary of the selected text in a web page in chrome browser. The summary in a paragraph style; not in bulleted format.

In the summary text, after each sentence, there is an extra space before the period. For example, if we check the screenshot in the 'Overview' section of this extension, we can clearly understand it. The user needs to manually remove the extra space preceding each period before he use the text somewhere. Apart from this the tool looks nice.

avatar Prathitha Citrus

This is a nice tool to get the summary of the selected text in a web page in chrome browser. The summary in a paragraph style; not in bulleted format.

In the summary text, after each sentence, there is an extra space before the period. For example, if we check the screenshot in the 'Overview' section of this extension, we can clearly understand it. The user needs to manually remove the extra space preceding each period before he use the text somewhere. Apart from this the tool looks nice.

avatar Prathitha Citrus

This is a nice tool to get the summary of the selected text in a web page in chrome browser. The summary in a paragraph style; not in bulleted format.

In the summary text, after each sentence, there is an extra space before the period. For example, if we check the screenshot in the 'Overview' section of this extension, we can clearly understand it. The user needs to manually remove the extra space preceding each period before he use the text somewhere. Apart from this the tool looks nice.

avatar Prathitha Citrus

This is a nice tool to get the summary of the selected text in a web page in chrome browser. The summary in a paragraph style; not in bulleted format.

In the summary text, after each sentence, there is an extra space before the period. For example, if we check the screenshot in the 'Overview' section of this extension, we can clearly understand it. The user needs to manually remove the extra space preceding each period before he use the text somewhere. Apart from this the tool looks nice.