Tot | Convert any text into task Tot | Convert any text into task

Version: 2.0.1
Last Update: 2022-07-09


Tot | Convert any text into task is a Chrome extension developed by Green. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of Tot | Convert any text into task is 2.0.1, updated on 2022-07-09.
63 users have installed this extension. 3 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

You can convert any text into task

Tot is a simple and dead chrome extension that can help you to convert any text over internet to task in Trello (We will give support of other tools too).
Steps to use:
1. Select the text
2. Right click and choose "Convert into Task" option
3. Select your Trello's board and list & Done

Tot will now save the source URL also.
Premium: You can create snapshot, edit it with paint tool and attach to task for reference.

We're in beta so you can share your feedback here or reach us at:


3 ratings

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Last Update


Current Version










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avatar Mihir Naik

Useful when you're actively using Trello to manage your task, bookmarks and all.
After this extension, I have stopped using browser bookmarks and started using Trello only to save my next read, podcast and video.
P.S I am a maker of this extension :)

avatar Mihir Naik

Useful when you're actively using Trello to manage your task, bookmarks and all.
After this extension, I have stopped using browser bookmarks and started using Trello only to save my next read, podcast and video.
P.S I am a maker of this extension :)

avatar Mihir Naik

Useful when you're actively using Trello to manage your task, bookmarks and all.
After this extension, I have stopped using browser bookmarks and started using Trello only to save my next read, podcast and video.
P.S I am a maker of this extension :)

avatar Mihir Naik

Useful when you're actively using Trello to manage your task, bookmarks and all.
After this extension, I have stopped using browser bookmarks and started using Trello only to save my next read, podcast and video.
P.S I am a maker of this extension :)

avatar Mihir Naik

Useful when you're actively using Trello to manage your task, bookmarks and all.
After this extension, I have stopped using browser bookmarks and started using Trello only to save my next read, podcast and video.
P.S I am a maker of this extension :)