Turn images upside down Turn images upside down

Version: 0.0.1
Last Update: 2020-04-01


Turn images upside down is a Chrome extension developed by lu1s. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of Turn images upside down is 0.0.1, updated on 2020-04-01.
47 users have installed this extension. 1 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

Turn images upside down

This extension, when clicked, will turn every image upside down usign css rotate and a transition effect. When clicking again, it will turn them back to their original position.


1 ratings

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avatar Star Correia

I haven't used it enough to guarantee that it works on all images, but it works perfectly for what I'm trying to use it for: turning figure drawing references upside down for better practice.

I don't really have any criticisms, but if there is one thing I'd like added, I think it'd be useful to have some sort of option where you can have it automatically flip images.

avatar Star Correia

I haven't used it enough to guarantee that it works on all images, but it works perfectly for what I'm trying to use it for: turning figure drawing references upside down for better practice.

I don't really have any criticisms, but if there is one thing I'd like added, I think it'd be useful to have some sort of option where you can have it automatically flip images.

avatar Star Correia

I haven't used it enough to guarantee that it works on all images, but it works perfectly for what I'm trying to use it for: turning figure drawing references upside down for better practice.

I don't really have any criticisms, but if there is one thing I'd like added, I think it'd be useful to have some sort of option where you can have it automatically flip images.

avatar Star Correia

I haven't used it enough to guarantee that it works on all images, but it works perfectly for what I'm trying to use it for: turning figure drawing references upside down for better practice.

I don't really have any criticisms, but if there is one thing I'd like added, I think it'd be useful to have some sort of option where you can have it automatically flip images.

avatar Star Correia

I haven't used it enough to guarantee that it works on all images, but it works perfectly for what I'm trying to use it for: turning figure drawing references upside down for better practice.

I don't really have any criticisms, but if there is one thing I'd like added, I think it'd be useful to have some sort of option where you can have it automatically flip images.