TweetMode TweetMode

Social & Communication
Version: 0.0.6
Last Update: 2020-12-07


TweetMode is a Chrome extension developed by Rusty-Extensions. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of TweetMode is 0.0.6, updated on 2020-12-07.
19 users have installed this extension. 1 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

A distraction free way to think about content ideas away from the main timeline.

At least a couple of times a day, I open Twitter with an idea in mind for a tweet, but get distracted reading other tweets before I post 🤦🏻‍♂️.

Thats why I created this simple Chrome Extension, to remove any distraction from the timeline or trending sidebar when first opening Twitter. There is instead a simple overlay (which can be minimised or closed) with an autosaving text box for you to note down ideas for tweets. To make things easier there is a character count tool that can be opened to check the length of a tweet before attempting to post.

Out of ideas of what to Tweet? There a couple of handy links at the top of the overlay with guides and suggestions on how and what to tweet, i'll be adding a selection of random but "valuable" tweet prompts in future updates to the extension.

Finally there is a quick link to view your lists and when viewing someones profile a search box has been added to the right sidebar to search their tweets.

Any suggestions? Find me on twitter @russellbarnard


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Social & Communication

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avatar Matt Quinn

Tweet mode - stops you from being distracted by your feed when you open up twitter to tweet.

It's almost like evernote built into twitter
You can thank me later

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avatar Matt Quinn

Tweet mode - stops you from being distracted by your feed when you open up twitter to tweet.

It's almost like evernote built into twitter
You can thank me later

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avatar Matt Quinn

Tweet mode - stops you from being distracted by your feed when you open up twitter to tweet.

It's almost like evernote built into twitter
You can thank me later

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avatar Matt Quinn

Tweet mode - stops you from being distracted by your feed when you open up twitter to tweet.

It's almost like evernote built into twitter
You can thank me later

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avatar Matt Quinn

Tweet mode - stops you from being distracted by your feed when you open up twitter to tweet.

It's almost like evernote built into twitter
You can thank me later

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