US Mac Option Keyboard US Mac Option Keyboard

Version: 1.0
Last Update: 2020-07-24


US Mac Option Keyboard is a Chrome extension developed by adlr. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of US Mac Option Keyboard is 1.0, updated on 2020-07-24.
181 users have installed this extension. 1 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

US Mac Option Keyboard

Enables the option for US Mac Option keyboard in Language Settings. With this keyboard layout, the right alt key (AltGr) behaves like the option key on a Mac keyboard, allowing special symbols to be typed.

To enable, install the extension, then go to Chrome OS Settings > Languages and input > Manage input methods > US Mac Option Keyboard. Then, go back to Languages and input and select US Mac Option Keyboard to enable it.


1 ratings

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avatar Ted Han

ChromeOS's support for using accents in english is so ridiculously unwieldy that it's unusable ( ). Trying to type something like César's requires switching keyboards midflow.

I am so so happy to have a functional alternative that allows me to show respect for the diversity of how we use the English language in real life.

avatar Ted Han

ChromeOS's support for using accents in english is so ridiculously unwieldy that it's unusable ( ). Trying to type something like César's requires switching keyboards midflow.

I am so so happy to have a functional alternative that allows me to show respect for the diversity of how we use the English language in real life.

avatar Ted Han

ChromeOS's support for using accents in english is so ridiculously unwieldy that it's unusable ( ). Trying to type something like César's requires switching keyboards midflow.

I am so so happy to have a functional alternative that allows me to show respect for the diversity of how we use the English language in real life.

avatar Ted Han

ChromeOS's support for using accents in english is so ridiculously unwieldy that it's unusable ( ). Trying to type something like César's requires switching keyboards midflow.

I am so so happy to have a functional alternative that allows me to show respect for the diversity of how we use the English language in real life.

avatar Ted Han

ChromeOS's support for using accents in english is so ridiculously unwieldy that it's unusable ( ). Trying to type something like César's requires switching keyboards midflow.

I am so so happy to have a functional alternative that allows me to show respect for the diversity of how we use the English language in real life.