Youtube - Noise Control Youtube - Noise Control

Version: 0.11
Last Update: 2016-12-14


Youtube - Noise Control is a Chrome extension developed by Anders Moberg. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of Youtube - Noise Control is 0.11, updated on 2016-12-14.
41 users have installed this extension. 4 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

This tiny Chrome extension hides a lot of noise in the Youtube interface. Elements like view counts, like bars, comments and…

This tiny Chrome extension hides a lot of noise in the Youtube interface. Elements like view counts, like bars, comments and recommended videos get hidden.


4 ratings

Total Installs



Last Update


Current Version





Anders Moberg





Youtube - Noise Control Alternatives

Name Category Rating Rating Count Installs
extension logo YouTube Focus Mode Productivity (14) 1,000+
extension logo YouTube Views Fun (1) 69
extension logo YouTube Rabbit Hole Sealant Productivity (0) 71
extension logo Focused Youtube Productivity (2) 10
extension logo HideTubes Social & Communication (0) 1
extension logo YouTube Focus Productivity (0) 4

Latest Reviews

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avatar Matthew Spain

I've been happily using this for months now. I've got my own subscriptions and playlists, a search if I need it, and that's about it. All the other junk, particular video recommendations that would eat my attention and time, are swept away for a much more peaceful experience.

avatar A Google User

Works pretty well. Hides all of the videos and recommended videos, hides likes/dislikes, hides like/dislike meter, hides view count, and it hides other such things. I like this. Thank you. I really don't care very much at all about other people and why YouTube would show me this, but not now. Thank you.

avatar Matthew Spain

I've been happily using this for months now. I've got my own subscriptions and playlists, a search if I need it, and that's about it. All the other junk, particular video recommendations that would eat my attention and time, are swept away for a much more peaceful experience.

avatar A Google User

Works pretty well. Hides all of the videos and recommended videos, hides likes/dislikes, hides like/dislike meter, hides view count, and it hides other such things. I like this. Thank you. I really don't care very much at all about other people and why YouTube would show me this, but not now. Thank you.

avatar Matthew Spain

I've been happily using this for months now. I've got my own subscriptions and playlists, a search if I need it, and that's about it. All the other junk, particular video recommendations that would eat my attention and time, are swept away for a much more peaceful experience.