Alien Worlds Timer Alien Worlds Timer

Version: 0.1.9
Last Update: 2021-04-24

User Reviews

avatar Weber

It's down for about 4 days

avatar Mark Conway

Worked for a day then never updated.
Permanently stuck on

Next Mine At
TLM Mined This Cycle

avatar Igor Vargas

Ive been using it the last few days, but its not working anymore! unfortunatly :*(

avatar Leandro Medeiros AFEGAOmTe

the bips stop to work yesterday.. can u fix it? Edited - I know that the extension only show data for monkey lands.. would be possible u make a version of this for all lands in game? honestly i only use the extension cus the alert when claim is ready.. but would be nice have data of the land that i mine.. anyway thx for the answer and for the extension.. or even just make a version that have only the bip

avatar เจษฎากร ศรีมูลตรี

Now Working Please Close and reopen your browser
Thanks Developer

avatar Chung Yang Victor

Doesn't seem to work, always show time to mine as "now", can't even see my data on only shows "Looks like you searched for data that does not exist. A error report has been created and saved!"

EDIT: after 3 days it randomly started working, so edited this to 5 stars!

avatar Dominic Torreto

Does not work.

avatar Vlad Natsvin

After installation it worked for a day only. Then stopped connecting to wax account and stop playing audio and showing browser popup. Update to 0.18 and reinstallation did not help.
The timer is not working correctly. The time is not displayed in the "Next Mine At" column. Also, the "TLM Mined This Cycle" value is not displayed. "LOADING" is displayed all the time.

avatar Tiago Holanda

Muito bom, se voltar a funcionar fica melhor ainda kkk

avatar Lucas PHR

Does not work. The timer is only in NOW.

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