Altair GraphQL Client Altair GraphQL Client

Developer Tools
Version: 5.0.22
Last Update: 2023-04-10

User Reviews

avatar Tan Duong

It doesn't work!

avatar Oguz Furkan Kaytanci

Great work. Thanks a lot!

avatar Michael Graham

Thanks for putting in the time on this! I was looking for an alternative to GraphQL Playground and GraphiQL that allowed me to actually re-use history entries. Keep up the great work!

avatar Luke Platz

Perfect. does exactly what i need. Dark mode could use a few minor ui tweaks to make it easier to read, but thats so minor. thanks so much!!

avatar Han Li

Great tool! Like the ability to add custom header.
Thanks a lot for sharing!

avatar Daniel García Páez

Very useful, especially if you need to attach headers to the requests (JWT headers for example).

Just love it, best alternative to GraphiQL I've found so far.

Only thing could be improved is to avoid the addition of headers or variables using modals.

avatar Yaicel Torres Garces

Should optimize the space of work

avatar Marcel Rieger

Love it! The only problem was that it is sooo slow and buggy.
If you could fix this, then no doubt everyone would use it.

avatar Tim Larsen

Very helpful - i love the ability to have multiple tabs/windows and rename them (by double-clicking). This is by far the best tool for working with GraphQL that i've encountered.

Feature requests:
- ability to save queries as snippets and have a library of past snippets
- ability to group tabs / snippets by project / url
- ability to export / import snippets so i can share snippets with other devs (i.e. serialize headers + query + variables in to a single string that can be copied from browser to browser easily)

avatar Jan Bancarewicz

missing one important thing:
how to add variables ?

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