Breef for Gmail™ Breef for Gmail™

Version: 1.1.2
Last Update: 2023-02-14


Breef for Gmail™ is a Chrome extension developed by Andy Mitchell. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of Breef for Gmail™ is 1.1.2, updated on 2023-02-14.
975 users have installed this extension. 25 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .
developer website:

Sort your inbox into bundles. No more context switching.

Sick of constantly switching gears in your inbox?

It's not your fault. Receiving emails is easy... but keeping up? Not so much.

Breef will sort your emails into bundles, so you can focus on one thing at once.

And to help you read those emails faster, it lets you scroll them all in one go - just like Instagram or Twitter.

Breef is privacy-first. You don't need to approve data access to your Gmail to use it. See

And if you uninstall it, it returns Gmail to exactly how it is now. It leaves no trace.


25 ratings

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Last Update


Current Version





Andy Mitchell




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avatar Sasha Torres

I use Breef to fly through my inbox and get rid of all the irritating and time-consuming detritus that collects there in about 1/3 of the time it used to take me. Then I can focus on what's actually important. It's immeasurably reduced my anxiety around the Sisyphean daily task that is email.

avatar Kathryn Brown

This extension really helps with separating your emails into meaningful segments. It's helped me so much in being able to track how many subscriptions I get on certain topics and to cull the ones I no longer value. I also really like the scrolling view for reading a particular category, as it lets you get up to speed quickly on relevant topical news without other things distracting from workflow. This extension is a keeper!

avatar Angus Burnett

Breef is amazing!

I've been using it for a little while now but wanted to wait a little while before writing a review. Firstly to make sure it was long-term usefulness I was writing about and not just the novelty of the 'new'. Secondly, to make sure I was familiar with it's features.

The fact that I can select emails (particularly newsletters) by subject matter and, crucially, relative usefulness to me and then let Breef organise them is great. It automatically declutters my inbox and allows me to return to those newsletters when I have time. A quick glance and I can decide whether to delete the whole lot, pick out the potentially interesting/useful ones or scroll through them is great.

That brings me on to what I find is the second great feature. When I say scroll through. I mean Breef allows you to open up your inbox or any collection of emails as one long feed (in a similar way to that which social media presents posts to you). I think anybody would find this useful for the speed it gives them to go through emails but if you know the simple keyboard shortcuts that already work for Gmail, it makes sorting through your emails an absolute breeze. I can't believe nobody has ever thought of this before.

Support is really quick, helpful and friendly too.

Try it and I don't think you'll look back.

avatar Erin Reynolds

Breef has been an email game-changer for me.

First, the ability to "scroll" through emails in a focused-way has made my daily email review go at least 50% faster (giving me back a few hours a week). Then, being able to compartmentalize newsletters, updates, etc. by topic/category has saved me a ton of energy and effort since I can stay in the same "head-space" when reading through my messages (i.e. sort through all my financial emails in one go, then my entertainment emails, etc.). In other words, it prevents the mental whiplash that you can sometimes feel when having to go through a messy inbox.

I now use it for my personal and professional email accounts and can't imagine dealing with my inbox without it.

avatar Joe Nardi

I am absolutely loving this extension. It makes getting to Inbox Zero a reality every day. It's so much easier to quickly go through my emails when they are grouped together in topics, and I really love how I can archive a whole topic section with the click of one button. The scrolling review of emails is like nothing you have ever experienced before. There's no longer a need to click into each email to read. Now you just click one and scroll down to the next. This is saving me so much time and my email anxiety is at an all time low.