Calmly Writer Calmly Writer

Office Applications
Version: 4.1.4
Last Update: 2022-05-05

User Reviews

avatar Rahul Mahawar

Nice App.

avatar Ender's Basement

This is the writer in HISTORY

avatar Wilbert Enrique

ta bien, me gustaría poder cambiar las letrar a minusculas y mayusculas

avatar Alondra Suarez

Es bastante útil a la hora de redactar textos y mas si se desea en un formato de texto común como lo es .doc. Se los recomiendo.

avatar Imran Niloy

So far so great. Can we have a simple calmlywriter app for mobile? And a new tab page launch for calmly writer.

Thanks. Keep it high.

avatar Вик Волчик

Пока что всё нравится. Ради тёмной темы и искал удобное приложение. А то глаза болели.

avatar Carly

Great app! So I've been looking at the reviews and some have been saying that it used to cost $5, and I was wondering if there was still some way to support the developers? I absolutely love the app, and have recommended it to several friends, and I just wanted to support you all! Thanks in advance!

avatar Tom Meitner

I loved this app... until I tried exporting documents to DOCX. Any italicized text was removed. Several paragraphs at the end of the documents were removed. Extra line breaks were added all over the place. I don't know what the deal is, but this makes it unusable. I need to be able to get the docs out of Calmly and into something else. I'll have to look elsewhere.

avatar Tainan Felipe

I loved this app, but I'm not ablt to buy it, the button is disabled, and have an annoying notification on left-bottom telling to buy it to remove it.

avatar Bria Sativa Aguayo

It took a while for it to grow on me. There were some kinks to work out. It's not perfect but I love it now. I have to save in docx to be able to use it. I use Google Docs so I have a Calmly text file that I can only open with the app, a docx file, and a gdoc file for each entry. I tend to do a journal every day so you can imagine the number of files that creates. But I love the simplicity and even love the typewriter sounds. I hope at some point there is a less complicated way to save files. Thank you.

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