Clip To Dynalist Clip To Dynalist

Last Update: 2017-05-04

User Reviews

avatar Bruno Déry

Helpful, but like @dan-smith said, this should check if there's already an instance opened (in any window) + focus it if so. I like the fact that nothing beats dynalist itself to take notes, so why create another (dumber) layer on top (widget / popup / whatever) to note down things rather than just open the MAIN thing right away. Quickly tried 3 similar extensions right now for this, and THIS ONE is the simplest and least "getting in the way of" dynalist.

Details on the Single/Multi instances comment:
I understand you can simply adapt your workflow and have one instance per window, but it'd be quite useful to re-use the same instance, for example to populate a given precise area (document or sub-list) instead of always having to re-find / re-navigate there. An option to use this same single instance would be better, I think. OR, perhaps a simple confirm asking "Open a new dynalist tab in this window (or re-use the last one) ?" would be great.

avatar John Poikonen


avatar Mark VanOuse

Thanks for a wonderful simple extension! I used the one for Workflowy which you created, which was very helpful. When I moved over to Dynalist, I'm so glad that you created a similar extension for DL! Keep up the excellent work!

avatar dan smith

I keep my Dynalist in a separate window, so this extension always opens a duplicate instance in a new tab in the current window.
This extension also lacks the ability to capture highlighted text or configure the formatting template of the resulting item, both of which the official extension has.
I do like the use of the clipboard to buffer the item so I can choose where to paste it after clipping (rather than have to set the inbox before clipping), but that is the only thing this extension has over the official one.

avatar Gabe Grimley

I use Dynalist as a bookmarking tool, so this has saved me countless minutes by allowing a single click and paste to replace the process of SELECT URL - COPY URL -- NAVIGATE TO DYNALIST - TYPE "[website name](" - PASTE - ")"

avatar A Google User

HAHAHA! Thanks for making two great extensions, one for the workflowy users, and for the users who have moved on from workflowy!

avatar 박종웅

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avatar Scott Honea

Does exactly what it says, works perfectly, and saves me from untold frustration. Well done.

avatar Bird Vue


avatar Eric Schultz

Makes book marking things in Dynalist super easy!

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