DeCutr DeCutr

Version: 0.0.3
Last Update: 2021-04-06

User Reviews

avatar Nancy Trevino

I was feeling tired, depressed, overwhelmed, anxious, stressed....I couldn't spend time with my family, couldn't even breathe. I often thought "this is the end..." Until one day, it all changed, my doctor diagnosed me with PTSD (pre-tournament stress disorder), but told me not to worry! Me pediatrician prescribed me with Decutr and I have never felt better!! [Please be cautious when using Decutr, do not use while planning on briefing my case, or switching to LD. Risks include sweaty hands, beaver feet, chills, cold sweats, penguin flu, laziness, lack of evidence, or not smiling when you get first place in apologetics (regardless of if you have bracses or not).]

avatar Erik Tong Studios

before i downloaded this extension, i always made my debate partner do the formatting. now after downloading this extension, my partner still does all the formatting MWAHAHHSDHFHDJHAFUGEUI seriously tho this extension is actually like poggers, cracked, goated, legendary and ngl attractive. love at first sight baby

avatar Anya Dickey

I was born at a very young age, and i wasnt able to speak or walk. But when i discoverd DeCutr, it changed the way i do basic tasks. now i can walk and talk! DeCutr changed the way i thought and operated, thank you DeCutr!

avatar Thomas McKinnon


avatar Jack Moffatt

Crazy helpful for debaters.

avatar Noah Song

i wish i knew about this sooner moan emoji

avatar Daniel Murrah

This chrome extension singlehandedly saved my debate research, my career, and my relationship with my wife. 10/10 cures every disease except covid cuz covid doesnt exist Gg ezpz

avatar Chars

After many debate rounds, reading evidence, and cutting new cards to back arguments that fell through I found myself crossing my eyes and fainting in the middle of one of my rounds. The pressure from reading soooo many sources and cutting new cards was extreme. The time had come. I needed DeCutr. Thank you DeCutr for saving my life!

avatar Joseph

Before I used this extension, I was completely blind. No sight whatsoever, and I was a paraplegic.
Using Decutr restored my sight and made me blonde. I'm still paraplegic.

Decutr is the best dating app their is!!

avatar John Weaver

Before Decutr I had no hands from all the typing I did carding evidence. But after installing decutr I grew both hands back plus 4 more. It was a miracle. Now I can cut evidence at the speed of light with all 6 of my hands.

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