DOI Resolver DOI Resolver

Version: 6.0.0
Last Update: 2023-04-18


DOI Resolver is a Chrome extension developed by MDMower. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of DOI Resolver is 6.0.0, updated on 2023-04-18.
5,000+ users have installed this extension. 25 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

Quickly resolve digital object identifiers to their web destinations

Use this extension to quickly resolve DOI and ShortDOI codes via any one of several methods: extension button, right-click on selected text, or omnibox with keyword: doi. DOI Resolver packs some great additional features, too:

1) Generate QR codes which can be scanned by smartphones to share a publication
2) Automatically convert DOI codes on web pages into links (optional)
3) Specify your own DOI resolver URL (useful if your institution provides a proxy service)
4) Generate formatted citations for publications

I take your privacy seriously. No user data is collected by this extension and no information is sent back to the author.

This is an open source project. Feel free to adapt the extension to your needs!

Omnibox usage: Type doi and press the space key. Now you can input a DOI code and press enter to retrieve the web destination.

Q1) Can I get DOI Resolver to automatically resolve DOI codes when I enter them in the Omnibox?
A1) The Omnibox API from google prohibits extensions from hijacking input until a keyword is typed (in this case 'doi'). Really, it's better this way; otherwise, rogue extensions would all be fighting to take control of the Omnibox.

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25 ratings

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avatar Nick Porter

Very well done. I've been using it for about 10 minutes now and haven't encountered a bug, which is more than I can say for most of my own code. It's such a simple thing but it streamlines the research process so much.

avatar Mauricio Maluff Masi

This extension probably saves me about a day each year in time looking for articles in my university's library website.

avatar MaryAnn Strawhacker

Excellent citation generator with very few adjustments for APA 6! When is version APA 7 available in this extension?

avatar Jitte Groothuis

Works like a charm, except that I feel that the extension should know to ignore e.g. "DOI: " in front of a DOI.
Such text is often selected automatically when using double-click to select the DOI (easier than dragging the cursor, where it's easy to miss the first or last character).

[Edit: upgraded to 5 stars after implementation of suggestion!]

avatar Viktor Nilsson

I see that you've recently added automatic stripping of DOI: but it does not seem to be case-insensitive for me... (works when changed to lowercase, not when changed back to uppercase)

I would prefer if it could work using the address bar instead, but I see why it's not possible.

Right now, it's likely as fast to google the string and hit first result.