Dropified Dropshipping Dropified Dropshipping

Version: 4.3.19
Last Update: 2023-04-18

User Reviews

avatar Администратор Natalex

After I updated the version, some problems started to occur.
Version 4.17 can't see some products on aliexpress.
For example, this product is not found on the new version. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002566208908.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2rus&pdp_npi=2%40dis%21USD%21US%20%2448.60%21US%20%2448.60%21%21%21%21%21%400b0a0ac216520896239973461ee251%21%21sh&sku_id=12000021179927463&spm=a2g0o.store_pc_groupList.8148356.5.31c2249cPH8CKz

It says No product found on this page!
And so with many products.
Please fix this.
Thank you.

avatar Massimo Colucci

My name is Massimo and I am starting a business.
Before registering, I struggled with finding products and solutions that fit my needs.
I knew this program was what I needed, but I needed some more certainty.
Once I registered, I tested the potential of the product.
Since using Dropified, I can't do without it anymore.
This app is perfect for anyone who wants to start doing things seriously.
You have to try it!

avatar Juan Carlos

Awesome tool to have!
Before signing up, I struggled with product research.
I knew this would have helped me so much.
Since joining Dropified, finding the right product/niche it got way easier.
This is one of the most important apps in my stores! So if you are a beginner and don't want to go blind on your journey, this is definitely a must-have extension.

avatar Jason Hodson

Before signing up, I struggled with the amount of admin work for transferring products.
I knew this program was what I needed, but I wasn't sure one actually existed until I filled my Christmas Cringe store.
Once I joined, I saved heaps of time!
Since joining Dropified,my admin has been cut but 70%
This app is perfect for anyone who wants to cut time, so if you are one of those people I would encourage you to sort it asap bro!

avatar Lheisley Sam Fajardo

My name is Kevin Jay Hepiga and I am a Product Researcher.
Before signing up, I struggled with doing products research.
I knew this program was what I needed, but still needed a credit account
Once I joined, everything is smooth.
Since joining Dropified, everything is just a breeze.
This app is perfect for anyone who wants to do Product research, so if you are one of those people I would encourage you to Subscribe to this tool.

Best regards.

Kevin Jay

avatar ronnie taylor

My name is Ron T.
Before signing up, I struggled with even knowing where and how to get started, it was very frustrating.
I knew this program was what I needed, but I wasn't sure if I would be able to understand it.
Once I joined, I was relieved to see how user friendly it was and how much they care about my success.
Since joining Dropified, my confidence as exploded and I am positive I will succeed.
This app is perfect for anyone who wants to start their own business, so if you are one of those people I would encourage you to join and get a incredible education.

avatar Cesar Perez


I have serious problems in the past in the product research tasks, but since I use this powerful product research tool, all my product research frustations are solved!

Thanks a lot guys!

avatar Desmond R. Kelly

My name is Richard and I an eCommerce consultant.
Before signing up, I struggled with the concept.
I knew this program was what I needed, but I was not sure how to use it.
Once I joined,the relief was amazing.
Since joining Dropified, my workflow is so much better and everything seems so clear .
This app is perfect for anyone who wants to Dropship, so if you are one of those people I would encourage you to try it out

avatar Gleidson Sousa

my name is gleidson sousa
Before signing up, problems with other drop platforms
I knew this program was what I needed, but I resisted a little.
As soon as I joined, an easy to navigate platform
Since joining Dropified, my sales have improved.
This app is perfect for anyone who wants to get started on the drop, so if you are one of those people, I would encourage you to give it a try.


I just downloaded it. It's an excellent application. orders are fully automated. my friends said that this tool has by far the best price-to-service ratio when compared to other drop fulfillment tools

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