Enhanced ChatGPT Enhanced ChatGPT

Last Update: 2023-04-10

User Reviews

avatar Aditya Vaste

It is great extension, ?loved it completely. Fabulous !!! ?

But wanted to give improvement suggestion :
1) Whenever I open new chat prompt templates comes up by default, please add option or any button (in corner or somewhere else) from that I can toggle the display of prompt templates.
2) Add the Ctrl + C shortcut for "Stop generating" and another also for regenerate .

avatar Corvix

Very nice and fits in with the UI well. I don't really have a use for it but it was very fun to mess with. It's nice if you don't want to type a lot of things and would rather just click a button and have it already typed out.

avatar Super Princess Celena (Caro)

Please stop giving people the wrong ideas: currently, ChatCPT is a terrible academician. It just simply invents sources that don't exist. If this or any addon could fix that it would be great, but that doesn't work out-of-the-box because it is not programmed for this task.

avatar Borut Razbornik

This is a good extension BUT it doesn't work in ChaGPT plus. OpenAI redid their first page UI and I cannot move to the next page of the templates. I hope this will be updated soon!

avatar Peter Babczuk

no functionality to export to be seen

avatar Gary Cully

Prompt templates are not working...specifically Scientific Data Visualizer template ... only the last sentence of that prompt appears in the chat space area ... the launch arrow in the right-hand corner of the chat space area does not launch the chat question ... also Sharing button, after clicking, displays "Sharing..." and then hangs

avatar Ryan Hart

Not compatible with "AIPRM for ChatGPT", so instant deal breaker.

avatar Can Buyukbasaran (progCan)

AMAZING. It has over 50 INSANELY GOOD templates. Here are my favourite ones:
1. text based adventure game - it is AMAZING, it is the best template of all. Don't think of it just like a adventure game, it is a text based kind of a RPG game, but the ONLY one you can be ????? ANYTHING. like i wanted to become a very powerful creature that can create and modify and delete universes and do basically anything.
2. ChatGPT + Unplash (beta) - it basically can generate images in its prompts, actually not sure if it searches from the web or generates them, but that does not matter so much. tough has some bugs (that is normal since this is a beta app) like using just a few keywords. for example i writed "cute turtle" and it gave a cute cat instead.

avatar Chandni Asnani

Prompt templates are not working as of now. Also, the Copy and Export functions only work on new chats.

avatar Marcel

You need to fix the export chat functionality. Currently it only works for exporting newly started chats. Revisiting an old chat, or even one created and saved previously, fails to display the button. Feel free to contact me if you need help fixing the code.

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