GitHub Copy GitHub Copy

Version: 0.5
Last Update: 2015-07-30

User Reviews

avatar Steven Hirlston

If you're a developer and you ever find yourself highlighting and copying file paths or branch names in Github, stop doing that and get this extension. It copies them with a click. It's super easy and unobtrusive, the way a helper application should be.

avatar Steven Hirlston

If you're a developer and you ever find yourself highlighting and copying file paths or branch names in Github, stop doing that and get this extension. It copies them with a click. It's super easy and unobtrusive, the way a helper application should be.

avatar Steven Hirlston

If you're a developer and you ever find yourself highlighting and copying file paths or branch names in Github, stop doing that and get this extension. It copies them with a click. It's super easy and unobtrusive, the way a helper application should be.

avatar Steven Hirlston

If you're a developer and you ever find yourself highlighting and copying file paths or branch names in Github, stop doing that and get this extension. It copies them with a click. It's super easy and unobtrusive, the way a helper application should be.

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