GitHub Writer GitHub Writer

Developer Tools
Version: 1.10.1
Last Update: 2022-11-28

User Reviews

avatar D. V.

Very useful extension. It doesn't work in all situations, and some things are impossible to write (like a table in a bullet list)

avatar Piotrek Koszuliński

I'm a core CKEditor 5 developer (on which GH Writer is based) so I'm surely biased :D However, I can't imagine working without GitHub Writer anymore. It's so much more convenient to see the actual content that I'm writing, not its source – it gives me certainty that after posting it all will look good. The readability of the content while editing it is also much better – you see the structure (headings, lists) and e.g. images. From UX perspective, working with lists, images and tables is also easier in GitHub than in Markdown, especially when creating more complex content.

avatar Xedd MrC

An extremely helpful tool for those who just want to get and other MD things done without having to format everything manually

avatar EmilyRosinaCarey

Pretty wonderful! Thank you for this!
I used it to make editing a massive table in an issue far simpler to update - loving it!

The only downfall is the lack of merging available for cells, both horizontally and vertically.

I worked round it by just removing some data to make the epic issue smaller anyway, so it ended up not being a problem.

avatar Piotr Maciejewski

Very useful. Makes writing on GitHub much easier.

avatar R R

Amazing tool,thanks !

avatar Szymon Cofalik

After using this for a longer time, I can't imagine using GH without this extension.

avatar Slim H K

ESSENTIAL app for anyone working on GitHub. Good documentation = good software.

The only downside is that it doesn't work on Android browser.

avatar Pedro Renan

Awesome! This is a great tool and increase backstage techdocs experience!

avatar John Salib

It is a really really nice extension, but unfortunately, when trying to drag and drop a video in the PR description it doesn't work.
This is an essential part of my daily work so I couldn't proceed longer with it and had to remove it :(
If they fix it, I will start using it the second they publish the update

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