Gmail message ID finder Gmail message ID finder

Version: 1.0.2
Last Update: 2021-03-30

User Reviews

avatar Luke Saladyga

Doesn't work anymore. Does not show up as a menu option.

avatar Dante Candelori

Nice to exact search. Just search in the gmail's bar and then copy adress bar. Then paste complete adress into chrome adress bar and you get one link to find mail.

avatar Robert Fleming

Does what it says. Note that "Message ID" in the context of this extension means the value of the "Message-ID" header, defined by RFC 822 and RFC 2822, and described by the Wikipedia article "Message-ID." It does *not* refer to Gmail's internal message ID, as used by the Gmail API or as is visible within the browser URL when viewing a message/thread.

avatar Krista Victorsen

(-1). No support for Google Inbox
(+5) Works flawlessly in :D

avatar Gianfranco A. Málaga Tejada

Muy bueno para obtener y luego registrar de ID de cada mensaje de correo-e, para posterior ubicación (exacta).

avatar Gianfranco A. Málaga Tejada

Muy bueno para obtener y luego registrar de ID de cada mensaje de correo-e, para posterior ubicación (exacta).

avatar Luke Saladyga

Doesn't work anymore. Does not show up as a menu option.

avatar Dante Candelori

Nice to exact search. Just search in the gmail's bar and then copy adress bar. Then paste complete adress into chrome adress bar and you get one link to find mail.

avatar Robert Fleming

Does what it says. Note that "Message ID" in the context of this extension means the value of the "Message-ID" header, defined by RFC 822 and RFC 2822, and described by the Wikipedia article "Message-ID." It does *not* refer to Gmail's internal message ID, as used by the Gmail API or as is visible within the browser URL when viewing a message/thread.

avatar Krista Victorsen

(-1). No support for Google Inbox
(+5) Works flawlessly in :D

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