Google Snake Official Google Snake Official

Version: 1.0.3
Last Update: 2023-04-21


Google Snake Official is a Chrome extension developed by superusefultools. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of Google Snake Official is 1.0.3, updated on 2023-04-21.
4,000+ users have installed this extension. 1 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .
developer website:

Play the official Google snake game. Control the snake to eat as many apples, and make the snake as long as you can

Want to play this iconic game from the 1990s? Relive your childhood and play google snake again on this extension. This software works offline and you can play whenever you open
Chrome browser.

In the history of gaming this is the most influential game in the video game universe,

You're a google snake and you're crawling around endlessly trying to eat the food while staying away from the walls and staying away from your own ever-expanding tail pretty much all versions of this game and believe me there are plenty have the same principle and the only thing that's advanced is the graphics and the controls nothing else but I'm getting ahead of myself here let's look at where this all began.

The snake game is easy to control and offers plenty of fun for players of all ages. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move around. As time goes on, your snake will be longer, harder to move because it has to avoid hitting itself. Try to survive, and you will get more points. Find your way smart, and you can score high!

*note: You can play online version as well. After game over, you can choose " Click here to Play online version".

If you've played Snake before and are looking for some similar games, we have some good news for you. Please visit:
Good Luck


1 ratings

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avatar super star super star 1

its fun game i can play it in the school soo fun 5 stars

avatar super star super star 1

its fun game i can play it in the school soo fun 5 stars

avatar super star super star 1

its fun game i can play it in the school soo fun 5 stars

avatar super star super star 1

its fun game i can play it in the school soo fun 5 stars

avatar super star super star 1

its fun game i can play it in the school soo fun 5 stars