Group Speed Dial Group Speed Dial

Version: 22.5
Last Update: 2023-04-22

User Reviews

avatar Russ Smith

Excellent replacement to FVD SpeedDial.
Use it on both Firefox and Chrome. Works very well and looks good. Easy to import settings from other sources. Easy sync to new systems from the cloud interface. Cheap upgrade to the pro version to unlock useful features too.

avatar 5hi7 h34d

Kudos to the developer. I switched to this speed dial when Firefox canned Speed Dial FVD, loved it then but I could NOT import my Firefox export to any Chromium based browser. This issue is now fixed and running it on both browser systems.

5 Stars, hopefully I can try out the paid version soon (I'm broke).

avatar Ich S

im Gegensatz zum Firefox ist im Chrome keine Bearbeitung der Dials möglich.

avatar Denis Jadanov

The great addon! Thank you developer for it!
But please add "Most used" page for fast access to mostly used pages and please add an option to make pages endless

avatar Ko6pa

Кто-нибудь нашел способ свободно перемещать вкладки по странице ? Никак не пойму, как это сделать... Вместо сортировки дилов при перетаскивании два дила могут только меняются местами и все о_0 очень неудобно.... А как переместить дил в конкретную позицию ? чтобы все остальные сами сдвинулись дальше (правее) перемещаемой ? Даже странно такое обьяснять так, как оно по-умолчанию используется в других менеджерах =)

avatar Demian Kaos

Hasta el momento la mejor extensión de diales rápidos para los navegadores. Tiene una infinidad de características que la hacen muy versátil a la hora de configurar tus accesos directos a las páginas. En es sentido es muy completa aún más que las otras extensiones similares. Los animo a que prueben y colaboren con el creador.

avatar Lloyd Chambers

I just downloaded Group Speed Dial and it is great! I have over 200 dials in 10 groups and it handled it with ease. I wanted the dials to open in a new tab and it had a setting for this as well. Also the refresh images button works great! It's much better than speed dial 2!

avatar Device Owner

Switched from Speed Dial FVD and have no regrets... well, I do have a question.
"Sometimes," after clicking on a tile; it takes up to 4 seconds before I am transferred to the desired site. So, the question is... Is this delay being caused by the extension collecting any analytics? YES or NO.

avatar Laurence Partan

Stellar. Such a rich set of capabilities: takes time to explore, but it pays off. Smooth, attractive, efficient scan-and-click. Bye bye bookmarks.

avatar Gd Gd

Is there any way to make certain group show bookmarks(dials) as list with their favicons instead of thumbnails? I have a lot of bookmarks imported but I do not really need and want thumbnails for all of them. For temporary bookmarks, list view could be more efficient to search for their webpage titles because of user's little impression with their thumbnails.

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