GTM Copy Paste GTM Copy Paste

Version: 0.1.8
Last Update: 2020-06-07

User Reviews

avatar Levi R

Fantastic idea and can be useful but with around 15+ copies, not all of them paste. I've taken to copying 10 tags/trigger/variables at a time which still saves time but it could be better.

avatar Romulo Gomes

Super useful, tks Julian!! I recommend this to everyone I know that has to work with GTM.

avatar Uriah Gibson

Hey hey! Love it so far, only one thing I can think of that would make this better, the ability to have a few folders where I could keep sets of tags, triggers and variables that I constantly use in different accounts. ex. tags I constantly have to set up that are generic that are tedious, so basically I'm just asking you to help me be a little lazier. lolz, keep up the good work

avatar Amit yadav

Thank you

avatar Chantry Group

An essential tool if you use Google Tag Manager to create multiple tags!

avatar Paid Ads

Amazing! Saved me so much time. You can copy tags/triggers/variables etc within a container, or, copy/paste to another separate container all together.

Thank you for creating this well made extension measureschool :)

avatar Christopher Derrell

Excellent plugin, very useful, very easy to use.

avatar Nick O

Can you please find a way to enable copying dataLayer and Lookup Table variables... That would save me so much time & is the only thing stopping this from becoming a perfect extension

avatar Kayla Echols

Easy to use. Works for my 9-5 when updating tags, triggers, and variables and I need to export to another account. :) Thanks!

avatar Edward S

Using this 2020. Rocks!

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