Hide That! Hide That!

Version: 3.6.1
Last Update: 2023-04-24

User Reviews

avatar anon amus

Amazing one-of-a-kind extension, would be even nicer if/when the "Automatic Hiding" feature becomes more user friendly

avatar Константин Балащук

good tool

avatar Maciej Mozolewski

Superb useful!

avatar Adil Ali Umrani

Did not work

avatar Chris Phillips

Dao Seeker, I’ve got your back man!!

This is a great extension people!

First of all, I've actually read what this extension is supposed to do, and it does EXACTLY what I was hoping it would do. Its function is to disable annoying AF elements on pages TEMPORARILY, but allow the restoration of that functionality when needed. The reason I was looking for an extension like this was to block the seemingly ever present hover / dropdown menus that populate the top of so many web pages today. When navigating and you hover over them for a microsecond, you get a drop down list that blocks your view, stays present for way to long, and makes navigation a real chore. This behavior drives me absolutely crazy.

Having said that, I have plenty of extensions that can block this behavior PERMANENTLY, but that in itself creates a real headache if you need to access these annoying web elements eventually. So what this extension does is lets you view the page, block the trash, do your thing, and then re-enable any needed navigation elements with a simple F5 refresh if needed.

Brilliant! Thank you very much! This extension is now in my “mandatory install” list. Thank you and please keeps up the good work!!

P.S. For those of you who would (and should) give it a try, I suggest: “Single click – Remove” under Right Click Menu Action. That seems to work the best and makes the most sense for me. Enjoy!

avatar Shay Lewis

@Dao Seeker, my bad. It does work. I don't even remember typing that description lol let me update it. 4 stars mainly because I would like the ability to hide things permanently

avatar BlissStory

perfect! saved me the trouble of making this myself :)
I hate the trending tab on twitter, it always gets me in a bad mood with how 2020 is going, using this extension now to hide it, thanks!

avatar Jonatas Nogueira

Very simple to use and satisfactory.

avatar Ginny Di

I really wanted this to work, but after I used the "hide that" option, I refreshed the page and everything was back. The creator says you have to refresh for it to apply, but refreshing just undid the hiding for me. I'm using Chrome version 84.0.4147.125. This would be really helpful for me if it worked, so I hope I'm just doing something wrong.

avatar Brantley Gunn

Been using it awhile now and it definitely works! It quickly and easily removes any website pop-up banners. Good job Dao

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