Homestuck POV Cam Homestuck POV Cam

Version: 3.23
Last Update: 2018-06-04

User Reviews

avatar ZC HI

I do not have any complaints besides the fact that it would be nice to jump to the first page for a character timeline-wise.The wiki has some links, but not for ALL of the characters.

avatar Cleo Celestino-gossman

VERY helpful, especially when trying to compare events for characters in a more linear fashion, trying to analyze character development etc.

avatar Argletrough ;

I can't even begin to imagine how long this took to make.

avatar Gamzeet

Need's post scratch dad

avatar Dav3 Strid3r

The Dave one is better.

avatar Samurott1902

can't figure out how to use it

avatar ace_verco

gives a new perspective to the comic

avatar Lacey Shadows

Once I figured out what this actually is, it's genius. Its a little unclear just by using the plugin, which I'm guessing is what most people are confused about? Neat little add on :D

avatar Trinity Wilson

I don't understand why everyone hates it? Like guys, go to the bar at the bottom. Right click "POV Cam Options" then click "Open link in new tab". You can remove ALL extra characters (which is what I did), while still keeping the keyboard navigation, pesterlogs, highlighted white text, and other things. I find thiss makes it all much more helpful to read it, especially when you don't want to click repeatedly or highlight text.

avatar Layn Gerritzen

For all of those that want to delete it-
Press Left CTRL+H, this will take you to your history. There are three tabs on the upper left side of the screen, under Chrome. Choose Extensions. Now, scroll until you find Homestuck POV Cam. You may have noted that there is a trash can on the right side of each extension. Click that, and it's deleted :)

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