It Takes Two HD Wallpaper New Tab It Takes Two HD Wallpaper New Tab

Version: 12
Last Update: 2021-04-04


It Takes Two HD Wallpaper New Tab is a Chrome extension developed by According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of It Takes Two HD Wallpaper New Tab is 12, updated on 2021-04-04.
53 users have installed this extension. 1 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .
developer website:

It Takes Two wallpapers extension offers great images with every new tab and was made for all fans of It Takes Two.

This new extension offers great images with every new tab and was made for all fans of It Takes Two wallpapers.

Main Features:

* In the upper left corner, you can easily access your favorite sites and sites you have visited in the past.

* In the lower right corner, we have set the most visited sites in the world for you, by clicking on the settings in the lower left corner, you can easily access and filter the sites you want to use.

* You can find many features like weather forecast and clock in the upper right corner of the theme.

* You can write your name to the theme, you can make it special.

* You can also use the countdown timer, you can set your jobs as the start and end time at the time you plan.

Theme Features
* Weather forecast
* Time and date
* Counter
* Greeting options
* Social media links

How to Remove:

1. Click on the icon given in the upper right-hand side of your Chrome browser.
2. Go to the “settings”.
3. Click on “extensions”.
4. Find the extension that you want to uninstall.
5. Click on the trash can icon to the right of “enable”, when you find the extension you want to remove.
6. The extension is removed.

Lastly, you can enjoy these features (and your requests will be added further) for free! It Takes Two HD Wallpaper New Tab extension does not contain any hidden ads.

Contact with us at [email protected] and share your thoughts and problems.


1 ratings

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