LeetCode Forcer LeetCode Forcer

Version: 2.0.5
Last Update: 2023-04-10


LeetCode Forcer is a Chrome extension developed by anuraglodhi13. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of LeetCode Forcer is 2.0.5, updated on 2023-04-10.
674 users have installed this extension. 6 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

An extension which force you to solve daily leetcode problem. Say no to procrastination.

Occasionally, we all make a commitment to solve at least one problem daily on Leetcode. However, in today's fast-paced and distracting world, it can be challenging to stick to this commitment despite having made it multiple times.

To motivate you to tackle the daily Leetcode challenge, we have developed this extension. Instead of sending reminders, it will automatically redirect you to Leetcode until you have completed the problem of the day.

What is the function of this extension?

1. After installing, if you browse anything on chrome and you have not solved the problem for a day it will redirect to that. Basically, it's virtual implementation of the principles outlined in book 'Eat That Frog'.
2. In case of an urgent need to browse, the extension includes an emergency button that can be used once per day to temporarily disable the redirection to Leetcode for a period of 3 hours.
3. You have the option to choose between two modes: redirecting yourself to the daily Leetcode challenge or to any problem on Leetcode. This is beneficial for users who are beginners and those who are on their way to becoming pro and do not want to solve the daily Leetcode challenge.

What's new in version 2.0.5
1. Now Leetcode Forcing For Mode Daily Leetcode Challenge will happen according to UTC 12 AM as daily leetcode problem changes accordingly.
2. Minor bugs are fixed.


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avatar hemang

Really helped in my consistency , A Must Try!

avatar Atul Kohar

Hey guys its a great extension that you guys have created, just one little think that you can fix is. The new question for the leetcode daily challenge comes at 5:30 but i you have made it to forcefully shift to the leetcode page right after 12AM. Have a look at it.

Otherwise its a great great extension

avatar anirudh nuti

I appreciate the concept of forcing an individual to complete a LeetCode task every day. However, I am concerned about the security implications of having to switch all tabs in my browser to the relevant LeetCode page until I finish the daily challenge. It appears that the extension is monitoring my current tab before modifying it to the LeetCode page, which raises privacy concerns in my opinion.

avatar hemang

Really helped in my consistency , A Must Try!

avatar Atul Kohar

Hey guys its a great extension that you guys have created, just one little think that you can fix is. The new question for the leetcode daily challenge comes at 5:30 but i you have made it to forcefully shift to the leetcode page right after 12AM. Have a look at it.

Otherwise its a great great extension