Mailstrom Mailstrom

Email & Contacts
Version: 1.0
Last Update: 2013-08-29


Mailstrom is a Chrome extension developed by 410 Labs. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of Mailstrom is 1.0, updated on 2013-08-29.
2,000+ users have installed this extension. 26 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .
developer website:

Inbox zero is now within reach! Power through thousands of messages in just a few clicks.

Mailstrom unlocks the patterns hidden in your Inbox to reveal the fastest path to Inbox Zero. Slice through tens, hundreds, or thousands of emails at once. Use periodically or every day, depending on your mail volume.

Mailstrom works with your existing email service and lets you keep using your favorite mail tools. Mailstrom works with Gmail, Google Apps Email, Apple, Aol, Exchange IMAP and any other email service that supports IMAP.

Unlike "artificial intelligence" algorithms that try to guess what you think is important, Mailstrom is a power tool that amplifies your human intelligence. Mailstrom identifies bundles of related mail, and makes it easy for you to act on them. With Mailstrom, you don't have to worry about missing something important. It's not an algorithm, so don't worry about "false positives" — you are in total control.


26 ratings

Total Installs



Last Update


Current Version





410 Labs



Email & Contacts

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avatar Frank Biocca

Several buttons and functions do not work.
The buttons "forward" "Chill" etc. do not work on chrome for either of my two accounts across several computers.
But the applications works on Edge. I have asked for support, but they do not seem to have an answer. A major problem.

avatar Katherine Elizabeth Walker

It's overpriced for what it does and then if you try to add an additional account later (despite having paid for multiple accounts), it won't let you. SO in essence, you get ripped off.

In the end while it helps clean up
your inbox, I don't think it's worth the price and cumbersome interface (it takes more time than it should if you ask me).

Largely because it's not the only system I use (because it's inadequate and doesn't do much more than the native awful gmail app, god I hate labels now) - but it is a little faster in terms of sorting and bulk actions.

I could do without the insults and being compared to others. I am a creative professional and I have different issues than the corporate hacks who are more better than me in terms of their mail-stroming commitment.

Back to sort, delete mode which quite frankly microsoft does better hands down just ugly interface.

Yeah, the bad english is on purpose so you know AI didn't write it, a human, with brain trauma, who is sick of email.

Deleted sanebox and will delete this too.

avatar IAMCHIARI Rice

i just want to get rid of it

avatar Christian Fuller

Makes you pay money to use....

avatar Anusak Lugpet
