Make it She Make it She

Version: 9.0
Last Update: 2021-05-28

User Reviews

avatar Riley Higgs

Brilliant, simple but powerful extension. HIghly recommend!

avatar Jessica Tho

This is exactly the app I've been looking for. Now I can actually tell which webpages are gender biased and I feel so much more informed and empowered using it. I can't believe there was a time when this app wasn't part of my daily browsing habits! A must have.

avatar Sara Garcia Tasich

This is so cool! I absolutely love this. It's a great way to see the role of the internet in broadening gender bias

avatar Dana Lea

This app has given me the understanding of how under represented women are online. Such a cool and innovative idea!

avatar Mélissa Sousa

This app is exactly what I have been looking for: now I can tell how gender biased the webpages that I’m browsing are, and I feel more empowered as a result! The design of the app is awesome, and i love that it makes it so easy to tweet the percentages! A really great find!!

avatar Jacqueline Delavelle

Thanks to this long-awaited tool, teachers, sociologists, TV commentators and journalists will now be able to systematically use this wonderful application ..... just like everyone else. Congratulations for the work done!

avatar Christian Delavelle

Voici un outil extrêmement utile car il permet de prendre conscience du problème de l'inégalité des genres dans les media, avec des exemples concrets. Personnellement, je l'utilise régulièrement sur les thèmes relatifs à la création artistique. Cette application a également l'avantage d'être conviviale et facile à utiliser.

avatar Chris Heitzig

Make it She brings awareness to an important inequality: the lack of a female presense on many social media sites. With awareness comes solutions. It's an important part of solving the problem.

avatar Clementine Aymard

I absolutely love the concept. A simple but brilliant way to see the extent of the problem, aka how male-dominated our world can be! 2 thumbs way up, and a massive thank you to the Make it She team

avatar Riley Higgs

Brilliant, simple but powerful extension. HIghly recommend!

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