Mirinae for Chrome Mirinae for Chrome

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Version: 0.9.5
Last Update: 2021-09-01


Mirinae for Chrome is a Chrome extension developed by Mirinae. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of Mirinae for Chrome is 0.9.5, updated on 2021-09-01.
1,000+ users have installed this extension. 11 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

Chrome extension for the Mirinae Korean Language Explorer

Are you learning Korean? Mirinae Explorer helps you understand all the parts-of-speech, grammar patterns and word-meanings in any Korean sentence on any web page, including Korean video subtitles on Viki, Youtube and Netflix.

** Major release update - 2021/06/03 **
This release now displays sentence explanations directly in the web-page you are browsing or video you are watching, so you can stay in context. It’s video subtitle capabilities have now been extended to Youtube and Netflix (when using Learning Language with Netflix).

With the extension activated on a website, you can point at or select any Korean text and ask for a full explanation of the sentence's meaning and grammar, showing a detailed parts-of-speech breakdown, meanings of individual words, highlighting of all grammar, idiom and honorific patterns used, and a phrase-structure parse-tree.

You can click on any of the particles, words, connectors or patterns for a full definition, with usage notes, more example uses, links to reference sites and related patterns and more.

Activate the extension by clicking on its extension toolbar icon when visiting a website. In mouse-over mode, it will automatically notice any Korean text you hover over and show an Explore button near the text. In text-select mode, you can drag-select any text to display the Explore button. On viki.com or Youtube, pausing the video will automatically display an Explore button next to the Korean subtitle. Clicking this button opens a dialog in which you can explore the selected text directly in the dialog, open it in the Explorer home website or save it for later study, by clicking it in your History Page back on the Explorer home website..

While on our site, you can review or search previous text you have explored or saved for later study, or visit the online Korean Grammar Reference Library to find patterns you are studying and explore the rich information available in the library.

Use the Mirinae Explorer Chrome Extension to turn any Korean text you encounter into a learning experience, or just use it as a rich online grammar reference that you can search just by giving examples of the topics you are studying.

Be sure to sign up for your own account, so your exploration history will be kept permanently, and so you will be notified of new features and learning tools that we will be adding in the near future.

Explore, learn, enjoy!


11 ratings

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avatar Andrei Stanciu

I use it every day and it helps me so much to understand sentence structures and verb conjugations

avatar 홍유진

Joe brought me here!

avatar You&I L

Awesome!!!! ? I love it!

avatar Rayna Cheong

I'm a big fan of the Mirinae website. I look forward to future development on this extension. With the customizability of Chrome extensions, I see a lot of potential here as a convenient and personalized language learning tool. Not quite there yet though. At its current basic functions, I don't find that the extension adds much to the way I already utilize the website.

avatar Yoo Ray

Great work! I finally understand Korean while searching the web.