MoneyVoters MoneyVoters

Version: 1.0.1
Last Update: 2022-04-20

User Reviews

avatar Rebecca Carr

Great feature for making sure your hard earned money goes to companies with parallel beliefs to your own. Also helps find lower pricing on items! The download took maybe 15 seconds and works great.

avatar Bryce Miller

Love being able to consciously support the companies that support my view points while avoiding those who assault the ideas that I hold near and dear to my heart. This is a plugin that EVERYONE should use if they care about the future of the great USA!

avatar Drake Kemper

Its so important these days to have clarity about political corruption. Knowing that some companies I'd been supporting for years have been spending BILLIONS against my beliefs changed the way I shop around the internet. Thx MoneyVoters, 10/10

avatar Rebecca Carr

Great feature for making sure your hard earned money goes to companies with parallel beliefs to your own. Also helps find lower pricing on items! The download took maybe 15 seconds and works great.

avatar Bryce Miller

Love being able to consciously support the companies that support my view points while avoiding those who assault the ideas that I hold near and dear to my heart. This is a plugin that EVERYONE should use if they care about the future of the great USA!

avatar Drake Kemper

Its so important these days to have clarity about political corruption. Knowing that some companies I'd been supporting for years have been spending BILLIONS against my beliefs changed the way I shop around the internet. Thx MoneyVoters, 10/10

avatar Rebecca Carr

Great feature for making sure your hard earned money goes to companies with parallel beliefs to your own. Also helps find lower pricing on items! The download took maybe 15 seconds and works great.

avatar Bryce Miller

Love being able to consciously support the companies that support my view points while avoiding those who assault the ideas that I hold near and dear to my heart. This is a plugin that EVERYONE should use if they care about the future of the great USA!

avatar Drake Kemper

Its so important these days to have clarity about political corruption. Knowing that some companies I'd been supporting for years have been spending BILLIONS against my beliefs changed the way I shop around the internet. Thx MoneyVoters, 10/10

avatar Rebecca Carr

Great feature for making sure your hard earned money goes to companies with parallel beliefs to your own. Also helps find lower pricing on items! The download took maybe 15 seconds and works great.

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