Netflix Viewing Stats Netflix Viewing Stats

Version: 2.4.0
Last Update: 2022-04-10


Netflix Viewing Stats is a Chrome extension developed by hmartos. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of Netflix Viewing Stats is 2.4.0, updated on 2022-04-10.
10,000+ users have installed this extension. 21 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

Shows viewing stats dashboard to know how you spend your time on Netflix.

This extension displays statistics about your Netflix viewing activity in a dashboard fully integrated into its official website. Through the information in the different sections of the dashboard you can better understand how you spend your time on Netflix.

- Discover valuable information in the viewing summary, such as the number of titles played, the total viewing time, or if you spend more time watching movies or series, among many other data.
- Filter, sort, or search your viewing activity to find out which is the longest movie you have watched, or how many times you have watched an episode of your favourite series.
- Download your complete viewing activity in a CSV file to do your own data analysis.
- Get the "Series Killer" achievement for watching 100 series or the "I am Legend" achievement for watching 5,000 titles. Can you get the "Mission Impossible" achievement?
- Switch between Netflix profiles to compare your results with those of your friends and family.


21 ratings

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avatar Ming

First of all, thanks for developing this app!

I am actually a graduate student and i am currently engage in a research and I have a few questions regarding the data abstracted. There are two types of duration that are shown in column C&D (in the excel file downloaded), with one i suppose it to be the length of each episodes. But column D seems to be the seconds but I am not sure if this is referring to the length of the episodes or the watching duration done by the person?? If column D (seconds) is referring to the length of the episodes in seconds, it doesnt really tally fitly with the column C( duration in minutes). Also appreciate if you could advice what is the top node code about too.

Hope to have your advise soon on this! Thanks a lot!

avatar Banksie

I came looking for JUST THIS and read the reviews, hitched. Got on Netflix, smacked that button. Closed the screen while scrolling and PROMPTLY lost the button; I almost cried.
Lol but no really, I was looking to see how many times I had watched one movie each day this week - think 6 - but :( it only shows the date I last watched it on.
Do you think you'll ever add that function, more like how series' episodes are listed, & just in order by date watched?
Thank for this it's highly enjoyable!

avatar Tuấn Đạt Đỗ

This is a perfect extension, and it has cool achievements. I wish you can make more achievements like rating titles and watching x episodes in a row like what they did on XBOX. Thank you!

avatar answalder Official

je suis impressionné par la puissance de l'extension. Il est possible de regarder le temps pour chaque profil. Le jour le plus regardé de la semaine. Le nombre de temps de chaque épisode ou film. Très très bien 5/5

avatar JTF

really cool but it would be even better if we could check what we earned the achievements for. For example, for the "First series watched" achievement, it will be really helpful if it tells us what series I have watched for the first time on Netflix.