No-Tabs-Auto-Discard No-Tabs-Auto-Discard

Developer Tools
Version: 1.0.4
Last Update: 2022-05-31


No-Tabs-Auto-Discard is a Chrome extension developed by mobile.eura. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of No-Tabs-Auto-Discard is 1.0.4, updated on 2022-05-31.
1,000+ users have installed this extension. 4 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

Disable auto-discard of all tabs or for tabs with specific domains

Not all domains or web applications benefit from Chrome's tabs auto-discarding feature, in an enterprise context many of those are state-rich, always connected mission critical applications (e.g. CTI applications, monitoring applications, etc.) which can be negatively impacted by such Chrome feature.

This extension has been developed to deal with Chrome tabs auto-discarding feature by providing a way to configure its behaviour over the tabs of a Chrome instance.

The extension monitors your tabs and can be configured to:

- turn off the extension (Chrome default behaviour)
- disable auto-discarding on all tabs (already opened and new tabs)
- disable auto-discard for specific domains (already opened and new tabs)

The extension's configuration can be provided in two ways (in order of precedence):

- by Chrome Policies (for enterprise Administrator/Users distributed via Windows Group Policy)
- by local configuration file

Configuration Parameters

This extension can be configured with this two parameters :

- DiscardDisabledMode

This mandatory parameter controls the extension behaviour:

Disable the extension

- DISABLE_FOR_ALL_TABS (default extension mode)
Disable auto-discard for all tabs

Disable auto-discard for specific domains (FQDN, e.g.,

- DiscardDisabledDomains

This optional parameter is specific for DiscardDisabledMode=DISABLE_ONLY_FOR_DOMAINS and contains the list of domains for which to disable auto-discarding:

- e.g. [ "", ""]

If DiscardDisabledMode=DISABLE_ONLY_FOR_DOMAINS but the list is empty, the extension will behave like DiscardDisabledMode=DISABLE_FOR_ALL_TABS

Configuration Providers

- Chrome Policies (for enterprise Administrator/Users distributed via Windows Group Policy)

The extension configuration can be provided machine-wide or for specific users by applying enterprise policies or GPO to the device registry under the following keys:

- Machine-Wide

- Specific User

Depending on your choice, under the key create the two configuration parameters:

- DiscardDisabledMode (string/REG_SZ)
- DiscardDisabledDomains (string/REG_SZ)

IMPORTANT!!! Chrome Policies have precedence over the local configuration file.

- Local configuration file

The extension can be also configured by its local configuration file (config.json), located under the extension's installation folder (e.g. on Windows) :

- C:\Users\<current user>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\ndpjhokgnpdcldkklhhklkgabnjehfap\<extension version>\config.json

The configuration file has this structure (the json below shows the default configuration) :


- Configuration Refresh

The extension's configuration is refreshed:

- manually
- by clicking the "Refresh Configuration" button on the extension popup

- automatically by the extension:
- when Chrome starts up
- every 60 minutes
- when the device is locked or screensaver is active for more than 2 minutes


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