Pontem Aptos Wallet Pontem Aptos Wallet

Version: 2.4.0
Last Update: 2023-04-11


313 ratings

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User Reviews

avatar joshua ladein

High transaction speed within 3 seconds should you catch any crypto users interest,security should be another eye catching factor
I have been using this wallet for a while now and I must say that not only Is it secured,trusted but user friendly interface
I give this 5 stars

avatar Davelin Akins

It is good to see a new wallet taking cognizance of security and great UI. I love it and for someone like me that love dark mode this automatically becomes my favorite. Looking forward to proper features like swap when fully launched.

avatar MCM Personal

Como usuario intermedio y no profesional e inversor activo en el ecosictema Polkadot/Kusama esta wallet es sencilla, limpia y elegante.
Sin dibujitos ni extridencias mas acordes de una epoca pasada y con aspiraciones muy profesionales, La Wallet Pontem esta elegida por el proyecto APTOS que es y sera una top 25 casi con seguridad y ahi es donde sacara sus bondades.
As a non-professional intermediate user and active investor in the Polkadot/Kusama ecosystem, this wallet is simple, clean and elegant.
Without drawings or extridences more in line with a bygone era and with very professional aspirations, the Pontem Wallet is chosen by the APTOS project which is and will be a top 25 almost certainly and that is where it will bring out its goodness.

avatar Nurulla Matyakubov

Very convenient wallet to use. I recommend to everyone, I will put 5 stars because it deserves

avatar solomon chris

I’m definitely rating this a 5 star. Thanks to its beautiful UI which keeps me glued, ease of use and amazingly fast speed of transaction. However, it would be nice you had a mobile version and yeah an NFT section too. Happy to see that the team is working to fix every bugs.

avatar man's kun

This is definitely going to be HUGE!  as the team has been an inspiration in their innovative approaches towards achieving the project goals and visions , I am so glad to be part of this.

avatar Baver

What can I say, this is a cool wallet and it will definitely be popular interface just top, so all popular wallets get ready new leader is on the way.

avatar Marvelous Obi

5 star due to the UI , and the ease of access to the waller, Good job developers

avatar mama fffr

P - opular new wallet with lightning-fast transfer speed, imagine - it's less than 1 second
O - ne time using this wallet I thought this is the best wallet in this industry, TPS - one love
N - ew control panel design in your browser will always remind you that your assets are SAFE, and
that's the most important thing
T - rouble? not detected
E - fficiency is of the highest level, I personally checked it when I swapped and threw it into the pool.
M - illions of people will soon use this wallet, you can take a screenshot of my post. This is not a joke

avatar xiafei wei

nice UI and simple to use

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