Prettier Lichess Prettier Lichess

Version: 3.7.2
Last Update: 2023-02-19

User Reviews

avatar HellyouSHIT Singh

Create a gabe window not oppening

avatar The Hypnotist

This would be 5 stars but I can't challenge anybody, the button to select which side to play and start the game is hidden behind the Leaderboard. It does not allow me to click and start the game. Basically it's useless if I can't play games. Please fix this and I'd totally use it, it looks amazing.

avatar Brandon Kemp

Hi, lovely extension. Issue for me seems to be I cannot play computer from the main page. I can select the format & time controls but it looks as if the Leaderboard box below it is "On top" of where the start game button should be

avatar Фарух Н

Разнообразие - это хорошо!

avatar Marat Sultanov

fantastic man

avatar Knight Mare

Hey Noam! Love the extension, the themes can all be customised into different colors and the text looks just fine! The one thing I'm suggesting is an enable button that can enable prettierlichess or turn it back to original theme. Another thing is the structure of the lobby page. Lichess puts the tv below, and the pairing system above. But betterlichess is different, also making the boxes a lot bigger. I hope this can be changed, or at least a setting to make this alternative.

avatar Astro_WH

This extension gives u the perm to edit everything, every theme, every color on lichess. This is insane.. but the one thing which changes it is the position of TV, queue board and streams are different on the main lobby page.

avatar Benjamin Huber

unfortunatly im am unable to find the "enable vertical layout" button for the stream layout. i was looking in the lichess preferences and the extension. I may be blind or something but i cant figure it out ;) Could you kindly assist me please? Otherwise a really great extension to lichess

avatar A V

Thank you

avatar Lwazi Selepe

This makes my lichess look much nicer but there's two problems here...It seems to prevent me from offering draws, and it doesn't show links very well.

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