Prioritab Prioritab

Version: 2.0.0
Last Update: 2017-05-06

User Reviews

avatar Lunarr-U

Its really nice but a weather option would be amazing!

avatar raul ramirez

le falta que se pueda desmarcar toda la lista automaticamente para asi poder poner tareas diarias sin tener que desmarcarlas una por una
y seria bueno que agregaran otro apartado donde podamos poner la fecha de compromisos

avatar Miguel Miranda

Looks great, but there is one very important thing missing, in my opinion: the image background.
Looking to a color is not the same thing as looking to an image.

avatar Cristhian Cañon

Simple pero cumple su objetivo perfectamente. Sería bueno tener mayor personalización o categorías, pero cumple con su objetivo sin problema.

avatar Jorge Wander Santana Ureña

Please, add setting option to show "Remaining Time" instead of "Elapsed Time" in:

...of the day
...of the month
...of the year

This mode could be used to appreciate more the remaining time and set priorities.


avatar Aleksei Khasanov

Офигенное приложение. Можно в след. версии добавить возможность синхронизации в гугл?
Awesome app! Is it possible to consider to add an opportunity to sync these tasks with Google account?
Thank you!

avatar Ronak Indurti

I am a high school student who has been using this chrome extension for the past year. I am currently in 11th grade, and it is very helpful for my studies and ongoing activities. In class, if the teacher assigns something, you do not need to lug a planner around, you can just type it up really quickly. And if you forget what you have for homework or any errands, if you wrote it on the extension, you just need to open a new tab and it will show. 5 stars!!

avatar Rohan

This new-tab extension is elegant, fast, and productive. I prefer it to all other new tab extensions on offer. Although, I do have a couple of humble suggestions:
a) When drag+dropping priorities, the selected priority glitches and sticks to the bottom of the screen until it is placed. Clunky.
b) I'd love to be able to set custom a background image.
c) I'd really love to embed info from other apps (namely Wunderlist, Google Calendar, etc) within the extensions existing formatting, but I understand this is easier said than done. I would happily pay a bit for this addition to the extension.

avatar Rich Mayfield

This extension is amazingly useful. I just wish that they would keep developing and remove some of the bugs!

avatar Bianca Madeccia

Si apre come schermata fissa del browser all'inizio. Ottima per chi vuole semplicemente una serie di 'liste' (3) fisse e modificabili di cose da fare. Non intralcia, sta dove deve stare, è visibile, semplicissima. Mi piacerebbe ci fosse la possibilità di inserire i giorni della settimana in corso, ma non si può avere tutto

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