Privacy Extension for WhatsApp Privacy Privacy Extension for WhatsApp Privacy

Social & Communication
Version: 1.0.27
Last Update: 2023-04-24

User Reviews

avatar Amit Kukreja

Recently I Have Installed this Extension, And Password Functionality is Working Fine but Blur Message isn't Working On My Laptop Also In Left Section Where It Display Recent Chats It Also Displaying the Messages There So It Means Its Not Working

avatar Arya B. Widyatmika

it does not work.

avatar Dita Puspitasari

very good, it really helps to keep privacy my chat while I'm working

avatar Mohamad Rashid Bin Zahiruddin

It would be great if changing of password will need a password too, if not, anyone can change the password. Also, needing a password to excess the extension will suffice it.

Additionally, the screen will be locked if no activity after a few minutes and the required password window pops up again.

avatar Q. adlibns

hoping for a blur or hide effect on the group's members name instead of the blur effect on the group's name.

avatar Veysi Elle

I updated to the latest version 1.0.21 and it can be used normally, thanks to the developer.

avatar ke lin

The latest version 1.0.21 seems to be available, thanks to the developers.

avatar Ilham Suriawinata (iamsuryawinata)

The extension is not working since Whatsapp Web update, can you keep up with the updates ?

avatar Uday Kumar

Not working suddenly

avatar Nyf

troubleeeee please fix it

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