Rakuten: Get Cash Back For Shopping Rakuten: Get Cash Back For Shopping

Version: 5.26.1
Last Update: 2023-04-13


43579 ratings

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User Reviews

avatar Atahan Kangal

I've activated cashback and made some purchases but the app only counted a single order and I didn't get any other cashback. Tried to reach them out but they've been blocked that feature... When you try to contact them you'll get a "Please include your order confirmation." error which is nonsense and non-applicable to any tab. They literally didn't count and cashback my purchases.. tricky games they play

avatar Becky

Wish it actually paid me for all the shopping I do at Ulta, Walgreens and Macy's. No matter how much I'm supposed to be earning from the considerable buying I do from those stores, I never get paid for it. If I go to a lot of trouble and contact them about specific shopping trips, they say the stores haven't paid them but they will pay me. This is supposed to be seamless -- I don't have time to spend an hour or more collecting all that info and writing emails all the dang time. Frustrating.

avatar Iryna Mamontova

I just Love using Rakuten Rewards!!! So convenient!! So much money on cash back!! Rakuten even automatically applies coupons! How cool is that!! I recommended Rakuten to all my friends!

avatar Paulette Lozaique

Have already received Cashback cheques and deposits.

avatar Dwayne Oxford

Still haven't gotten my $10 intro offer.

avatar C.R. M.

I have been using Rakuten for several months, now. I have not disabled it out of hoping that in the end it will be worth it. After quite some time of use, I received a check for $11!!! I was not that excited. It is a pain to have to disable my ad blocker every single time, and then get a 1 or 2 or even 3%! of an already discounted price? What's the point? I am sure that this thing does work for the company but I fail to see how it benefits the individual user much.

avatar Dan Kirshenbaum

I enjoy using Rakuten, but the extension is very intrusive. I like having the button there, but I don't want it to alert me with pop ups that cover part of the website. I have tried disabling desktop notifications, but the setting doesn't save and it continues to give me alerts on every shopping site. The instructions on rakuten.com say to check "Do not display Activation Hover" but that option does not exist in the Chrome extension.

avatar Sara James

Fabulous! Love It!

avatar Wendy Mounts

Rakuten is fantastic! I have been using this for many years all the way back to when it was Ebates and first started out. Rakuten acquired Ebates and has absolutely amazing since they took over. They make everything so easy and the payouts are top notch!

avatar Vina Sivannarath

Love it! Will recommend to all friends and families.

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