Developer Tools
Version: 2.5.0
Last Update: 2021-12-14


RESTED is a Chrome extension developed by espen. According to the data from Chrome web store, current version of RESTED is 2.5.0, updated on 2021-12-14.
30,000+ users have installed this extension. 83 users have rated this extension with an average rating of .

A REST client for the rest of us

RESTED is a new take on rest clients on Firefox. It is meant to be easy to use to let you work as effective as possible. It features all the most commonly used HTTP methods, setting headers, saving requests to local storage, and more.

Some of the neat features of this extension are:

URL templating: If you have a parameter that is shared across several rest calls, you can template your string. Example -{{userId}}. You can then set userId in a seperate panel, and it will be resolved across all your different requests.

Collections: Save your requests to local storage for easy reuse later.

Basic auth and custom headers: Easily set basic auth and custom headers that are passed alongside the request.

Imports: Import data from HAR (HTTP Archive), or from a Postman collection

Modern design: Based on modern technology and minimalist web design, this extension is anything but dated. It also features changeable themes to make it yours.

Since this is a relatively new project, I am also happy to announce that it is also awesomely easy to contribute to the project! Everything is javascript and html, so come join! All contributions welcome.

Read more on github


83 ratings

Total Installs



Last Update


Current Version









Developer Tools

RESTED Alternatives

Name Category Rating Rating Count Installs
extension logo Resource Override Developer Tools (186) 60,000+
extension logo Yet Another REST Client Developer Tools (127) 60,000+
extension logo RESTer Developer Tools (21) 30,000+
extension logo Simple-Header-Payload Developer Tools (0) 223
extension logo Resting Developer Tools (0) 200
extension logo Negotiator Productivity (22) 410

Latest Reviews

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avatar Jaime Stuardo

El User-Agent no es respetado. Yo pongo un User-Agent personalizado y siempre se envía el User-Agent, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.104 Safari/537.36"

avatar Alberto Quijada Guillamón

Hola, la extensión está muy bien. Sin embargo, he detectado un fallo tanto en la versión de Chrome como en la de Firefox. Si en un POST se pasa un parámetro con valor vacío, en lugar de prevalecer el vacío, la url encoded se forma poniéndole al parámetro como valor 'undefined', lo cual hace que el resultado no sea el deseado. He revisado con el modo desarrollador de ambos navegadores y he certificado que es Rested quien mete a drede ese valor. Por favor, arréglenlo.
Un saludo y enhorabuena por la extensión.

avatar Jose Mendez

La Extensión la Considero Excelente el Problema esta en que NO ESTA FUNCIONANDO ni en Chrome ni en Chromium, pero si en Firefox que no me Gusta. Ojala La Puedan reparar la Extension para estos 2 hermanos Navegadores. Instale Chrome en Ubuntu haber si pasaba por ahi, pero no Nada de Nada. extraño la Extension...

avatar Gaffar Ulutaş


avatar Abolfazl Dadashzadeh

it displays a blank tab when open :