RMS (Run My Script) - Script runner RMS (Run My Script) - Script runner

Developer Tools
Version: 1.0.0
Last Update: 2019-12-27

User Reviews

avatar Zoop Poop

Each time i try, it says enjoy and doesn't do anything, how does it work

avatar Mario Ray Mahardhika

What's missing is only external JS script support. I need jQuery at the very least. This kind of selector:
$('.lastpost a:first-child')
ain't so easy to translate to pure DOM functions.

avatar Discord_SAD

how do you get your script when you click on "Run My Script"?

avatar Cawe Coy Rodrigues Marega

How can I turn off the "[START - Run My Script ] ###########################################" and "[END - Run My Script ] #############################################" messages in the console log?

avatar Cawe Coy Rodrigues Marega

How can I turn off the "[START - Run My Script ] ###########################################" and "[END - Run My Script ] #############################################" messages in the console log?

avatar Zoop Poop

Each time i try, it says enjoy and doesn't do anything, how does it work

avatar Mario Ray Mahardhika

What's missing is only external JS script support. I need jQuery at the very least. This kind of selector:
$('.lastpost a:first-child')
ain't so easy to translate to pure DOM functions.

avatar Discord_SAD

how do you get your script when you click on "Run My Script"?

avatar Cawe Coy Rodrigues Marega

How can I turn off the "[START - Run My Script ] ###########################################" and "[END - Run My Script ] #############################################" messages in the console log?

avatar Zoop Poop

Each time i try, it says enjoy and doesn't do anything, how does it work

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