Salesforce Lightning Inspector Salesforce Lightning Inspector

Developer Tools
Version: 1.0.11
Last Update: 2021-03-20

User Reviews

avatar Evgen Kasyan

Override actions doesnt work!

avatar Chaitanya Kumar V

Not able to view performance Tab results. Always get below error

Error getting marks inspected window

avatar Vitaly Zdanevich

please provide optional dark theme

avatar Sushil Kumar

It doesn't work at my chrome, Lightning tab appears, but nothing displayed after on clicking on this.
I don't what is the missing or issue.
Please help me for the same.

avatar Andy Rouse

I've used this on some computers and it has worked fine. But on other computers the Lightning tab never shows up in the developer tools. This inconsistency needs to be resolved.

avatar Nicolas Vuillamy

Good extensions, but I have an issue with the display on components with inheritance.

Example: CmpRoot is an abstract component containing a ltng:require + !v.body.

CmpChild extends CmpRoot and use other sub components like CmpMyOtherComponent

In the components tree, CmpChild is displayed, but i just see the ltng:require, but not the body of the component, so all sub components of CmpChild are not visible

avatar Dmitry Omelchenko

Great tool! Although the searching functionality doesn't work in the Component Tree tab. Hope it will be fixed soon. I'm on OS X 10.11.5, Chrome version: 51.0.2704.106.

avatar Gopal Rao

Great tool, saves you from writing console logs everywhere and helps you debug your app in less time.
It would have been really great if in-line editing is allowed in the mark-up (not sure if it is feasible to add this feature)

avatar Praful Gadge

Doesn't work at all, Lightning tab appears, but nothing displayed in it. Admins please work on it.

avatar MAV

Doesn't work at all. Nothing appears at all in the lightning tab.

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