ScribeFire ScribeFire

Social & Communication
Version: 4.3.5
Last Update: 2014-07-10

User Reviews

avatar Avaiki Nius Agency

As well as not working, even if it did, the interface is so dreadful I cannot imagine spending hours of my time looking at it. #yerk

Developers? Please, put all the bells and whistles under an "advanced" option, keep it simple, sexy

Yes, that's KISS, you know the other version.

#usability #simplicity #winwin

avatar eunsik

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avatar Rob Prosser

Couldn't add my blogger blog. Useless, don't bother.

avatar Lance Lovett

Doesn't work with Google's own blog sites! Why make this for Chrome? Thanks for wasting my time.

avatar Andrea Lorena

No sirve

avatar Lee Ann Konik-Waterrs

Great way to blog w/out opening numerous windows.
But, lately it's a HUGE resource hog and no longer connects to the blog servers.

avatar Leandro Perez

Só da erro ao tentar configurar a conta do blogger -
Bem, isso é constrangedor...

"O Blogger não está jogando legal, ele está dando um erro ao ScribeFire"

avatar Ahmed Obaid

What happened? I have no idea!
It used to work and it used to be great as well, but now I see a great effort riding a bull without any protection.

And what makes it worse.. is that the developer doesn't reply!

avatar Enrico B.

Leider kann man sich auf blogspot NICHT anmelden!

avatar Jason Dunn

As the others have said here, it simply doesn't seem to work. I installed it to do offline draft posts, but with my self-hosted WordPress blog it returned a 500 Error and no details. Not very helpful unfortunately! The plugin hasn't been updated in almost a year, so I suspect it's been abandoned. I sure hope they aren't gathering and selling the username/password data I just put in...hmm...time to change my password!

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