Send to Discord Send to Discord

Social & Communication
Version: 1.2.2
Last Update: 2019-07-09

User Reviews

avatar Ed “liledix4” — old account

Not exactly what I expected from something with "Send to Discord" title, but it works pretty fine for sharing links from browser to Discord.

It's not possible to share links directly to the specific channel or DM chat, this extension won't help to do that. But if you (as user) at least create a server and create there a webhook on one of the channels — the only things left to do are to open Discord, go to the channel with webhook, copy link(s) and send it (them) to another place. Still a hustle, sometimes it's easier just to copy link and go to the needed chat directly. This extension is useful when you need first to collect batch of links in one chat and then resend them all to another chat.

Also as Kevin Mullet noted, it would be really great to have an option to add multiple webhook URLs to this extension. Ideas to suggest:
* When you click an icon on the toolbar, there'll be "Add one more webhook" button.
* Each webhook can have a custom name. And, of course, a button for removing webhooks from the list.
* If user has more than one webhook, right-click context menu will be a dropdown with each added webhook and their names.

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