Simple Form Fill Simple Form Fill

Version: 2.2.1
Last Update: 2021-03-28

User Reviews

avatar Alex Al

Благодаря ему, ушел с мозиллы.

avatar Carlos Silva

It would be nice if we could use keyboard shortcuts to call it, and to fill

avatar sopan

i'd give this a 5 and pay good money if there were couple of things worked out. it should be attempted to make the program work on non-html pages in chrome. also the use tab or enter switch seems broke a bit, as in it won't go from enter to select, not to anything. Otherwise its a work of art. just the right amount of granularity. a simple text file looking entry page for terms. It would be nice to know any limits, such as word char count, if any, etc. WONDERFUL!

avatar Brian de BoisGuilbert

Отлично.Просто и релевантно(то,что искал)

avatar Yegor Kochetkov

Очень простое и функциональное. Спасибо!

avatar Communication Legal Translation

No matter how many times I read it, it never gets old. You definitely hit the nail on the head on this one. This is something people need to know about. Your blog is really incredible and the design is really top notch. Really, your blog is incredible.

avatar Olaf Deterding-Meyer

Would be nice to be able to store multi-line texts as well.

Maybe instead of the simple text field, where each line is a selectable text, you could offer a table with name/value pairs == The name is shown in the context menu, and the value is inserted on selection.

avatar FraDam

Permet de mettre facilement du texte pré-rempli dans le menu contextuel

avatar SeaHorse Legend


avatar J. Salmonson (darkocean)

Wow, not only does this work doing what it says it does, I can also figure it out (kind of) Not sure what the autocomplete options do and am nervous to try them out. Don't know what what the comment string does either. These areas need one of those little gray ? icons with a tooltip explaining just what they do and are for.

I understand autocomplete but not it's options. xP the minimum # of characters to trigger auto comple is confusing as what are the characters? There's no option to make my own so... um?

But the rest I get how to use and now I don't have to keep going though my book left overs/dead chapters (called 'darlings') and can put words, phrases, body beats (descriptions) and dialogue that I might be able to recycle without spending hourse re-reading each file. Thank you for this time saver! I go though the old chapters when I get stuck as sometimes I find something I can re-use in a new chapter that gets things moving again, but oh it was headache.... I'm saved!

Anyway, five stars for being mostly simple to use and that it works on Vivaldi browser. ^-^ I'll go fiddle with what's confusing me later... (a how to guide explaining what the options do would be a kindness.) Maybe I'll get this after I am caught up on my sleep...

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