Simple mass downloader Simple mass downloader

Version: 0.831
Last Update: 2022-12-14


326 ratings

Total Installs


User Reviews

avatar GCAT01 Living

It didn't work for me. It was great at finding files to download on a page but every time I started the queue it would completely crash Chrome.

avatar Dominik Barth

Very useful. However unless you have a realtime malware checker like malwarebytes, some downloads come with trojans and phishing scripts which will be downloaded without your knowledge. This has happened on a few occasions and all downloads cease once a rogue site is found.

How do i continue the process of downloading the remaining sites?

avatar Henry Ward

Ended up with this Adware/Malware ( on my computer after installing this

It inserted ads into my Google search results.

I can't be 100% certain it was this extension but it seems very likely.

avatar tadjeddine nasri

Thanku bro this is great tool 100% Works

avatar Jakub Kriš

What a beast, I paste 1000 urls and poof, in a minute I have it in my folder.

avatar Silas Almgren

Took a bit of figuring out how to use it at first, but luckily it has a pretty solid design and achieved exactly what I needed it to. Very well done compared to all of the alternatives I looked at.

avatar Jorge Wander Santana Ureña


avatar Susan Coward

This extension works so well and saves me so much time downloading my work packets from a site the webmaster refuses to update the functionality of. This extension has filled that gap very well. It's as simple or as complicated as you want it to be, there is enough customization there if required and you understand what you are doing, but if not, it is a case of simply clicking.

avatar Quyên Nguyễn

best extension, great work, I love it a lot!!

avatar Luis Boni

Parece buena...pero tiene errorer graves que la hacen casi imposible de usar:
1- Al borrar descargas de la lista las continua descargando, solo que ahora no lo podemos ver!
2- Al cambiar el nombre de la carpeta para descargar en una nueva: No le importa y sigue descargando en la carpeta previa
3- Si hay un error de descarga no prueba automaticamente. Y tampoco se pueden seleccionar todas para q intente nuevamente. Hay q ir una por una...
4- No hay un modo para q el gestor de descargas permenezca a la vista

Si cambian esos errores cambio la calificacion y la descargo de nuevo ya que la app parece muy buena y si funcionase bien seria excelente

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