SingleFileZ SingleFileZ

Version: 1.3.49
Last Update: 2023-04-05

User Reviews

avatar Manivan Mx1

Just the concept, details published and the review is enough to get 4 stars.. will update soon after using it which I am sure will get 5 stars..
Great job.

avatar Mess Info

Великолепное расширение. На некоторых страницах Singlefile отказывается сохранять мне страницу, в то время как Singlefilez справляется с этой проблемой. Другим критерием, на основании которого предпочтение отдаю Singlefilez, является возможность сохранения не всей, а только выделенной части страницы.

avatar moufeng hu

Same with Github demo, it's awesome

avatar Lowe Raivio

Like it alot.
In windows, while using Previewpane and with Preview Handler enabled it will however cause problems; Explorer freezes.
I had to disable .html files from the Preview Handler in order to avoid this problem.
However SingleFile does not have this problem, I can view Those files in the Preview Plane.

I like the Idea very much, it's like Dynamic PDF but it actually works.
There's plenty of room for additional tools, such as a Editor;
I downloaded a Page with SingleFilez, extracted the source, made some changes, opened it in Chrome again and redownloaded it; This allowed me to remove useless information, such as Ads, menus, comments, etc.

It would be very cool if I could Change the content while viewing it, i.e. without redownloading the edited Page.

Thanks, This is great! :)

avatar Mark Gallagher

This is the first time I felt inclined to leave a review because this extension deserves proper recognition.

It's absolutely amazing what you've done here, been testing it for a few days and so far it's been working great on Vivaldi. Pages that 'Save Page WE' had issues with, this extension does it without a hitch. For example, older htm files that I have (from 10-15 years ago!) were able to be "converted" with this plugin unifying them into one file without breaking anything.

Thank you, super happy I found this extension!

avatar XD Cedar

File name is some random characters and ext is .txt.. I have to change it myself to therealname.html.. Except that, everything goes very well! I really hope there would be an extension that downloads every single file in any page. mhtml is ok but its large volume is not elegant. This extension makes my dream come true.

avatar Elia Mazzuoli

Very useful tool, I use it every day.

avatar José Mazcorro

It seems this extension have been edited, and it does not save several tabs at once.. I guess there is gonna be a new extension for that.

avatar Rogerio M. Souza

Congratulations to the Developer.

Perfectly packs the page layout.

Fully customizable and with powerful features.

Once the HTML page has been downloaded, just go upLoad to:
2. GooGle Drive, and open the HTML page with []

avatar Dawid Mlynarczyk

Świetny dodatek do archiwizowania stron internetowych. Zachowuje wszystko co składa się na daną stronę WWW (obrazki, czcionki, style, formatowanie itd.) w jednym samorozpakowującym się pliku HTML.

Tak zapisane strony mają rozszerzenie HTML, a wewnętrznie części składowe strony są pakowane algorytmem ZIP - dzięki temu plik HTML jest mniejszy.

Dodatek do poprawnego działania wymaga pozwolenia na dostęp do URL-i plików w naszym komputerze. Bez tego uprawnienia plik HTML otworzy się, ale jedynie z informacją, że został utworzony z użyciem dodatku SingleFileZ i że do normalnego działania potrzebne jest to pozwolenie.

Wystarczy włączyć opcję "Zezwalaj na dostęp do adresów URL plików" w szczegółach dodatku, aby wszystko działało jak należy. W przeglądarce Firefox i innych Mozillo-podobnych działa to od razu - nie trzeba ustawiać dodatkowego pozwolenia. Gorąco polecam!

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